Chapter Two: Monday

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Mom woke everyone up at five-thirty in the morning. She quietly told them, "I want you all to get in the showers before there's any long lines."

They share the cabin with two other families with younger children.

A pink glow radiated from the shadows through the windows over her bunk. Tamar couldn't remember it ever being this light in the early morning. She decided it must have something to do with the tapioca bubbles.

Tamar's brothers grumbled. "It's too early to shower."

"Better do it now," Mom said. "And find some clean clothes."

Grandpa said, "Listen to your mother, or I'll have to use my water gun."

Tamar unrolled a clean dress out of her suitcase, and hurried to the family restroom before her brothers could hog all the stalls. She couldn't help but enjoy their disgruntled, disheveled appearances. If Mom kept them that way they were too engaged to devise up ideas to pester her.

According to the schedule, there was a youth class before breakfast at six o'clock. She hadn't thought to scout out where it would be last night, so she hurriedly showered and dressed, and left the cabin just as her mother was directing her brothers into the shower.

It was summer, but as soon as Tamar stepped outside she regretted not bringing a jacket. The morning air was clogged with a cold mist, and her damp skin and wet hair were no help at thwarting shivers.

Unlike last night, the camp seemed empty of people, and there was nobody to see, much less anyone to follow. She wandered in the direction she hoped the morning Bible study would be.

"Hey, Tamar! Where ya goin'"

Tamar shoved her shoulders up. "I dunno. Devotions?"

Ariel was kind enough to not laugh as she said, "You're going in the wrong direction. C'mon. I'll show you the way."


Tamar pivoted, and fell into step beside her new friend.

"How'd you sleep last night?"

"It was hot, but I fell asleep almost as soon as I got in bed."

Ariel laughed, "Crazy how it's so cold this morning, yeah?"

"No kidding. How'd you sleep?"

Ariel kicked at the dirt. "Ugh, we girls stayed up way too late talking. But I didn't sleep too bad for the couple of hours I did close my eyes."

And this was why Tamar didn't want to be here. Seriously, why would her mother make her miss half of the camp experience over some silly fears? It wasn't like teenage girls would eat Tamar's heart or anything.

They passed the cabins to an open court. A group of youth their age and an older man sat on logs around a dead campfire on the other side. Tamar and Ariel quickened their pace and crossed the court to the others.

"Hello, Ariel. Who's your friend?" The old man asked.

"Hi guys!" Ariel waved at everyone. "This is Mr Geil's granddaughter, Tamar."

"Glad to have you join us, Tamar. I'm Grant Cowell."

Tamar nodded. She hid her hands behind her back, and stared at her feet. She felt so small and out of place. Tamar followed Ariel to an empty log stump. She tried to raise her eyes and force herself to make eye contact with anyone so as not to appear to be awkward.

There were so many boys. And not like brother-boys, but real boys that looked nice enough to date.

"Why don't we start out by introducing ourselves? Share your name and something about yourself." Mr. Cowell said. "I'll start. My name is Grant Cowell, and I've been a youth pastor at this camp for nearly fifteen years. I've been trying to keep bees, but these days it seems the bees would rather keep me away from their honey."

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