Chapter 4.26 - Combined Firepower

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The monstrosity barreled through the streets. Mod finally got a good look at it through the gaps in the buildings—it looked like a cross between an armor-plated fish and a centipede. Its body undulated side to side through the streets on a hundred spike-tipped legs. At its widest, it was as big around as a tractor trailer, but its body was almost two blocks long. The armor thickened toward the creature's front half, making its face look more like the helmet of a knight than a creature. Instead of teeth, an upper and lower plate gnashed together like a guillotine.

The ground didn't shake, so much as hum from its constant steps.

When the monstrosity crested above the buildings, it didn't so much as look in their direction.

It was heading toward the Summit staging center and the nearby civilian shelter. Both of which were minimally defended at the moment.

Mod waited until the creature was in range and took a few shots along the length of its body, but the creature didn't react at all.

"Arsenal, can you get its attention?"

Arsenal zipped across the sky. She swooped down and let loose several shots, just as Mod had. Kinetic blasts burst harmlessly against its armor. The monstrosity didn't so much as glance in her direction.

Mod turned his attention back to the immediate street and the approaching horde of fish-men. "TINA, what about the heavy drone?"

The shimmering silhouette of the heavy drone passed through the air. It swung around wide until it was on the same street, staring down the monstrosity.

Machingun fire erupted again. Mod winced, and Oakenheart and Angel Eye covered their ears. Bullet casings flickered into view and rained down on the street below.

The monstrosity roared—finally taking notice of something. Its body undulated, its back arcing high above nearby buildings. Its tail thrashed to the side, shearing off the roof of the building next to it.

Then the creature turned, lashing out with its tail like a whip.

The heavy drone ceased firing and lurched upward, narrowly avoiding the attack. The tail slammed into another building, leaving a crater in the side.

The monstrosity roared and writhed in irritation and apprehension. Without the constant firing to mark the drone's position in the air, the creature couldn't find it. For a moment, it angrily searched the air.

"Initial test complete. The heavy drone can provide support, but its secondary guns can't penetrate the creature's armor."

Angel Eye scoffed. "Secondary guns? Use the bigger guns then."

"The heavy drone's main guns will cause significant collateral damage to the city, with no guarantee of penetration."

Arsenal's voice came through the comms. "Is that your way of telling us we'll have to get up close and personal?"


Mod made a mental note to ask about the rest of the drones' loadout. They were supposedly the heavy hitters of Dr. Venture's arsenal. If the Deep Ones had creatures impervious to their weapons, then the drones might need new hardware. But none of that would help them right now...

"I've got an idea," Mod replied. He hadn't stopped firing yet, and he hadn't missed.

"Out with it!" Angel Eye said, blasting another fish-man.

Two Deep Ones soldiers had managed to skulk by unseen and had climbed up the side of their building. Oakenheart cut them in half with a single slash of her sword.

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