Chapter 3

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           The view of the waterfront from three stories up was a sight to behold. The wind was blowing powerfully, creating a symphony of sounds as it pushed the loose strands of her black hair away from her tawny face. The blast of the cold wind made her eyes tear up, but she found herself unable to look away from the magnificent scene before her. The inky black water shimmered and danced as it reflected the myriad lights emanating from the ships and buildings, casting a spellbinding glow across its tranquil surface. She could see the waves gently lapping against the shore, the sound of which was drowned out by the hustle and bustle of the city below. The towering skyscrapers appeared to be reaching towards the heavens, their lights twinkling like stars in the night sky. She felt a sense of awe wash over her as she took in the breathtaking view, feeling grateful to be able to witness such beauty.

            For a moment, Annika pretended she was not slowly dying inside and was not mortified by the thought that she would forget the face of the man she loved if she continued to live. It would have been nice to spend some time with him in a place like this. He could wear the blue blazer she liked. It brought out the brilliance of his piercing blue eyes, and she could never bear to look away from them. The thought made her giddy with joy. It felt like Eric was still here.

            She placed her hands on the iron railing and allowed her eyes to drift along the water.

"Are you joining me?" Rio asked.

She huffed and rolled her eyes. The pleasant thoughts exploded as Rio's voice reminded her that she was on duty.

"I'm working." She didn't bother to look at him.

"You still have to eat."

She couldn't deny it was exciting being in the company of a famous person. This was the type of lifestyle someone like Annika could only dream of.

        Alice had told her many intriguing stories about being Rio's assistant, but she never once imagined she would be standing in an establishment as embellished as this one. Rio's fans would kill to be in her place, yet her gloom kept her from enjoying the experience. One day, she would look back at this and be exceedingly disappointed she did not take advantage of this adventure.

            With that thought running through her mind, she stepped inside the warm room and cupped her hands around her mouth to warm her fingers with her breath. It was alright if she enjoyed herself just a little.

"Would you like some tea or coffee if you're cold?" he asked without looking up from his phone.

"No, thank you." She offered him a dry, half-hearted smile even though he wasn't looking at her. "Is it always you alone dining?"

"No. Alice had some things to get done for my show in New York, and my manager is having dinner with his kids." 

"Just them?"

He looked up from his cell phone and gave her a fleeting smile. "I don't like too many friends. In a job like mine, it's not easy to trust people." He looked down and continued swiping. "Besides, who wants to be crowded all the time?"

She peered at the screen and realized he was clothes shopping. She knew it was foolish, but it was hard to see him as a typical person. This was a man who created musical art, she didn't think he would have to shop for his clothes. It made her curious. She wanted to know more about who Rio was. 

"Sit down, I don't bite," he said.

She gave the invitation a second thought and sat. Her body melted into the soft leather cushions of the expensive-looking chair. Her aching back thanked her.

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