Chapter 17:Stone

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"Are you ready, Cookie?" Crimson said in a gruff but sweet voice.

Sugar sat in front of her vanity. Her eyelids were coated in a shimmering emerald color. Her lips were painted black. Her cheeks had a light pink blush. Black opal earrings hung from her pointy ears. Her face needed to be as perfect as possible,because tonight was different.Tonight her clients were a group of demons from the Sapphire family.She wasn't sure what type of event she was going to attend but she was aware it wasn't a clean one.

"I'm ready,boss"

She gently walked down the stairs and into the living room.The green flames from the fireplace casted a shadow behind Crimson. It made him look larger and darker. His golden tooth shined as he grinned. He grabbed Sugar's hand and kissed it.

"You look like an angel," Crimson exclaimed. "The boys are gonna love it."

"I'm not an angel. I'm a succubimp" Sugar responded in confusion.

Crimson shook his head and chuckled. "No, cookie, I meant you look sweet. It's a shame it's gonna get ruined tonight. Don't cling too much on anyone at the party."

"It's been a long time but I know how to control myself."

Sugar took a deep breath as Crimson took her hand and walked her to the limo. If she was to be honest with herself, she wasn't sure if her feelings for him were as strong as when he first hired her. Each day, she became more aware of the monster she slept next to every night. Despite this, she didn't feel the desire to run away. She decided to embrace this life. Both the pain and the comfort was what it meant to be with Crimson Knolastname.

The two imps sat in the limo closely. Crimson laid his arm around Sugar's shoulder tightly. It was a suffocating feeling. His thick arms were heavy, yet soft. He gently took a cigar with his other arm and lit it with his tail. The smoke filled the back seat. Crimson gave a cheshire smile as he looked down at Sugar. "Sugarcakes, you've been colder towards me recently. Did you care about that rat bastard Leo that much?"

Sugar's tail swayed in annoyance. Was she the only one that cared about Leo? She looked away from Crimson and out the window. "He was my guard. My Leo.You shouldn't be surprised that I miss him."

Crimson sighs "Look, this was always gonna happen. I told you not to get attached to any of my men. It's not my fault that idiot tried running with another crew. Focus on being cute for our clients. This party is important."

Sugar rolled her eyes "I'm always cute. I don't need to focus on it"

Crimson's smile disappeared. He looked like he was hoping for her to say something silly or go on a tangent, but his Sugar Cookie seemed gone.

The limo arrived at a large estate. The outside walls were a frosty white color and were built out of materials unknown to Sugar. The building looked enormous and circular in comparison to Crimson's home.

The two imps enter the estate cautiously. The main floor had several spider and shark demons who were smoking, drinking, and laughing with each other. The area was crowded and the air felt stuffy. Gray stepped forward to greet them.

"Crimson. I wasn't expecting you to join your pet on a job." Gray chuckled.

"Did ya think I'd leave such a valuable girl alone with you assholes?" Crimson chuckled as he put his arms around Sugar's shoulder. "You're lucky I let you anywhere near her."

Sugar nervously looks up at Gray. "How many guys am I dealing with tonight?"

Gray laughs "Five. What's wrong sweetheart? Are you new to working with a group? That makes this better."

"If ya break my Sugar Cookie, your ass is mine." Crimson sneered.

Sugar gave both Crimson and Gray uncomfortable glances.She could believe Crimson willingly let these men touch her. She felt her heart pounding in her chest and she felt Gray's eight eyes look back at her. She hated that she was giving her body to the men who killed Leo but she buried those emotions in order to fulfill her role in the family. "Mr.Gray" she said softly. "In my all  years doing this job, I've never done something like this."

"You're an honest gal. I like it. Follow me."

Gray pulled Sugar away from Crimson with one of his four arms. Sugar looked around the estate as they walked. A group of men caught her eye. A crowd of sharks and spiders circled around a familiar looking imp. Striker stood at the center. He wasn't wearing his normal attire. He was dressed similarly to any other demon you would see in town. What stood out to Sugar the most was his bright red tie.

"What the hell is he doing here?" she thought to herself. Unfortunately, she drag into an empty room before she could call out to him. 

I worked for a mafia boss and became his escortWhere stories live. Discover now