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New Beginnings 



Moving day. 

The words hung heavy in the air as I stared at the cardboard boxes scattered across my new bedroom floor. This wasn't just any move; it was a fresh start, a chance to rewrite the script of my life. But as I glance at the photo of my mom smiling back at me from the dresser, a pang of sadness washes over me. She should be here, guiding me through this moment; but she's gone. I swallow the lump in my throat and make a silent promise to her, tracing the outline of her face with my fingertips.

"Imani, sweetheart, are you okay?" My dad's voice breaks through my thoughts, pulling me back to the present. I turn to see him standing in the doorway, concern marked on his face, allowing his smile lines to deepen..

"Yeah, Dad. Just...thinking," I reply, forcing a smile.

He crosses the room and wraps me in a warm embrace, his warm familiar scent of coffee and aftershave enveloped me. "I know this is a big change, honey, but we're in this together. You and me against the world, remember?"

I nod, taking comfort in his words. Dad has always been my rock, the only constant in my life, and I'm grateful for his support. "Thanks, Dad," I murmur, pressing my cheek against his shoulder.

He pulls away, giving me a reassuring smile. "Now, why don't we finish unpacking and then grab some dinner? I heard that the pizza place down the street is great?!"

I can't help but laugh at his attempt to lighten the mood. "Pizza sounds perfect," I reply, feeling a flicker of excitement at the opportunity to explore our new neighbourhood.

Together, we set to work unpacking the remaining boxes. As I arrange my belongings and make this unfamiliar space feel like home, I can't shake the nervous flutter in my stomach. I wonder how Evergreen Heights will turn out. At least they won't see me as the girl with a tragic past, the one who lost her mom in an accident.

As I said, I have a chance to start fresh. This was the time to rewrite my story. This was a new beginning. 






Don't come at me guys, but guess what. babysitter is still going to continue. 

So expect updates soon guys!

For more info about updates, follow the ig account (PPPIMPWRITES)

If I made a tiktok account, would yall follow?

Anyways, I'm so excited to start tis new journey with you guys

Remember, I love you all and I appreciate all your support truly!

See yall next chapter


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