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Eyes on the Prize



The morning sun streamed through the blinds, casting long shadows across my bedroom floor. I stretched, feeling the tension of a restless night's sleep still lingering in my muscles. Today was the first day back, and while most of the students at school were probably buzzing with excitement, I couldn't shake the sense of dread gnawing at my insides.

I dragged myself out of bed and threw on a black t-shirt with matching joggers, my mind already racing with thoughts of the upcoming season. This was my fucking year, the year I planned to leave my mark on the court and catch the eyes of college scouts. But first, I had to survive another year of high school bullshit.

As I made my way downstairs, the smell of coffee floated through the air, mixing with the sounds of my dad's off-key humming. He glanced up from his phone as I entered the kitchen, but his gaze quickly returned to the device.

"Morning," I muttered, pouring myself a cup of coffee.

My dad grunted in response, his attention already drifting back to his phone. I sighed inwardly.

My mom breezed into the kitchen, her smile brightening the room as she wrapped me in a warm hug. "Good morning, sweetheart," she murmured, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"Morning, Mom," I replied, returning her embrace.

She pulled away, her eyes searching mine with a hint of concern. "Are you nervous about today?" She asked softly.

I shrugged, not wanting to burden her with my worries. "Just another day at school," I replied with forced nonchalance. Although, my mom wasn't fooled. She could see right through my tough exterior, always knowing when something was bothering me. "You know, your dad loves you, right? He just has a...weird way of showing it." She whispered, her voice gentle but firm.

I nodded, but the words felt hollow. Love was something my dad showed with actions, not words, and lately, there hadn't been many of either. He was too caught up in his own world, too busy climbing the corporate ladder to notice the people right in front of him.

My mom sighed, her expression filled with sadness. "I just wish he would see what an amazing son he has," she murmured, her words tinged with longing. I wrapped my arms around her, offering the little comfort I could. "It's okay, mom. I don't need his approval," I said, trying to convince myself as much as her.

Deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling of the emptiness that lingered inside of me. No matter how hard I tried to push it away, the ache of longing for my father's attention remained, a constant reminder of the fractured relationship between us.

As I made my way through the crowded halls of Evergreen Heights, my mind was still clouded with the thoughts of my dysfunctional family dynamics. I tried to shake off the weight of it all, focusing instead on the familiar faces of my classmates and the anticipation of the upcoming season.

Ethan was easy to spot, his towering frame and sun-kissed blonde locks making him stand out among the crowd. As he approached, his lengthy hair cascaded around his shoulders, catching the sunlight and adding to his effortlessly cool demeanour. He greeted me with a slap on the back, his infectious grin lighting up his face.

"Ready for another year of hell?" He joked, his voice laced with sarcasm. I grunted in response, not in the mood for his usual banter. Ethan seemed to sense my mood and didn't push it further. Suddenly, a familiar voice called out from behind "Yo!" It was Alec. With his light skin and a crown of curly brown hair. The last time I saw him, he was 6'3, now he stood tall at 6'5, a towering presence beside Ethan. Despite his imposing height, there was a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a smirk plastered on his lips as he approached.

"Ahh, I missed my boys," he exclaims as he pulls Ethan and I in for a handshake.

"Ahlie. I haven't heard from you all summer. Where have you been?" Ethan asked whilst we walked towards our locker, the metal doors approaching ahead.

"I've been at the cottage all summer up north, and you know that place has shit service," Alec sighs.

"Makes sense, I thought you cut us off." Ethan pouts jokingly, but Alec gives him a slight nudge.

"I'd never cut off my boys for the world. Anywho, how was summer? I know for a fact that you put in a shit ton of training." Alec points me out.

I mean, he's not wrong

"You gotta do what you gotta do," I shrugged, the weight of my backpack settling on my shoulders as we neared our lockers.

"You know what you need? A fucking break. I heard Myriam is throwing a party this Friday. We should go," Ethan smirked

"Fuck no," I grunted. Why the fuck would I waste my time at a useless party?

"You know, it doesn't hurt to let loose every once in a while. Think about it, you're the school's golden boy. People worship the ground you walk on. Why not take advantage of that?"

"Is it because Anna cheated on you?" Alec pointed out and Ethan gave me a curious glance.

"No, and no. You both know I'm over the whole Anna situation. Just drop it, please." I forced out while slamming my locker door.

While Ethan and Alec carried on with their stories about their summer, I forced a small smile, not wanting to dampen their excitement. But deep down, I knew that my priorities were different. While my friends chased fleeting pleasures, I was focused on the long game, on making a name for myself on the court and securing a future beyond this shit hole.

With my final year looming ahead, I knew that every moment counted. All I had to do was balance between practice and school, which I knew for a fact was going to be a pain in my ass. There was no room for distractions and no time to waste on vulgar activities.

As the warning bell rang, signalling the start of the school day, I squared my shoulders and set my sights high on the school year that lay ahead. The basketball season was just beginning, and I was determined to make it count. With my eyes firmly fixed on the prize, I pushed aside any doubts or distractions and prepared to give it my all. This was my time to shine, and nothing was going to stand in my way.

Just then, I overheard snippets from my friends nearby. I listened with half an ear, my attention drifting as I scanned the piazza, my gaze landing on a group of students gathered nearby. Among them stood an unrecognizable girl, her black box braids cascading down her back like a waterfall. She wore a sleek black bodysuit that fit on her body like a second skin, paired with fresh white forces. Her presence drew attention like a moth to a flame. It's not that new students are uncommon here, but her 15 minutes of fame will be up, just like that.

"Who is that?" Ethan asked, his gaze fixed on the new girl, Alec nodding in agreement beside him.

Both Ethan and Alec's attention was fixed on the new girl. As if on cue, the bell rang through the school speakers, signalling the start of class.

"I don't know, nor do I care. I'll see you both at lunch?" We dap each other up before we all headed our separate ways. The first class I had was English lit, which was in fact, my worst subject.

Fuck my life.






Guess what guys. I'm almost done school!!!

So yall 100% gonna see a lot of updates over the break. 

I really hope you guys love this story as much as I loved the idea so much that I actually wrote it down


anywho, I love you all and I hope you guys had an amazing day!!

See yall next chapter


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