Midgard, 1997

3 1 0

     Tony Stark; genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; was hard at work in the underground garage of his Malibu home. He was creating a system that would allow the house to take care of itself, much as his childhood butler Jarvis had done. He was so wrapped up, he didn't even hear the ding of his camera's picking up motion by the front door, it wasn't until later, when he was heading pit to go to his office that he noticed them.

     The newborns stared up at him with watery eyes, having spent the last few hours screaming for attention, Tony remembered thinking to himself that the two couldn't have been more than a week old. He looked around for signs as to who left them but they had were long gone. He could call and have the authorities pick them up, that's what he wanted to do, but something about the infants made him second guess his instinics. It was hot out, he had noticed after a few moments of stunned silence. It was nearly ninety degrees and he had no idea how long they had been outside.

     Sighing, the twenty-seven year old took the two bassinets inside, setting them on the kitchen table. He studied the kids a little more, was he going crazy or was there a resemblance to himself. He knew it could be a possibility, he had enough one night stands that he could have fathered a new child or two every night, though he was typically careful. Wanting closer inspection, he scooped up the one closest to him. It was a boy, the beginnings of a fuzzy head of black hair peppered the top of his head, his eyes a bright blue. The boy smiled at him, seemingly all too aware for such a young babe. What caught Tony's eye, however, was what the boy had been laying on; a birth certificate that read as follows.

1A Name of child, first:
1B Middle:
1C Last:
2 Sex:
3A this birth single twin, ect:
3B if multiple this child first, second, ect:
4A Date of birth- mm/dd/yyyt
4B 24 hour clock time:
     4:06 am
5 place of birth - name of hospital or facility:
     Althala Hearth Hospital
6A name of parent, first:
6B middle:
6C Last
     ✅️ Mother
7 Birthplace:
8 Date of birth- mm/dd/yyyy
9A Name of parent, first:
9B Middle:
9C Last:
10 Birth Place:
     United States of America
11 Date of birth - mm/dd/yyyy

     Tony stared at this for a long time, "Clarissa Musgrove..." He muttered to himself. The name sounded familiar, but he couldn't put a face to the name. He briefly wondered how she got all of his information but shook it off as he turned his attention back to the baby that was supposedly his son. "So you must be Anthony." He says softly, cradling him gently before turning his attention to the other child, a girl, much like her brother in appearance. He gently sat baby Anthony down to peak under his sister, sure enough finding another birth certificate, identifying his daughter as Darcy Madex Stark.

     The following proceedings were hectic, DNA testing being the fist and easiest step. The kids were undoubtedly Tony's, and now he was faced with the challenge of restructuring his life to take care of them as their mother seemed to have vanished into thin air...

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