16.7: Destruction

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I stayed close to Penny and fought the dodos coming her way. She was also fighting, but even she could fight only one at a time. I slashed at the dodos coming at her from different directions.

She would slash one and go: "HA, take THAT, smokeface!" And then she finds another one coming at her from another side.

Poor girl attracts more of these things than any of the others. Maybe it's because of the visions she sees when they're close to her. Or maybe they want to take her. Maybe both? That's scary.

But as we were fighting, help arrived. From the direction we came from, somebody shot laserbeams at the dodos, making them vanish in one go. Woah, I thought, where did you get that, and shouldn't we have used those in the first place? It woudve been a lot easier to get rid of the dodos. I turned around to look, and there were three new cadets that we'd never seen before.

There was a cadet in a gold-brown uniform, a younger one with a blue uniform and a girl maybe our age, wearing green. The three had each small jet that could fly through these tunnels. (They'd probably used these jets to go through these tunnels, which was cool.)

Some of our cadets who weren't busy fighting with the dodos were already talking to the new cadets. I went as the gold-brown one introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Rover," he said. "We're the HP Top Wing cadets. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm a grey-jay, and this is my little brother River." He motioned to the younger cadet with the blue uniform. "And this is Tina. She's not in the Academy, but she's really good, so she's helping us. And -" he looked behind," we have one more, her name is Ivy. She came in separately because I think some of your cadets also got... separated?" He looked at us for confirmation.

"Yeah," Bea said.

Rover continued, "Yeah. She'll come with them, hopefully."

I walked up to him. "Hi. I'm Swift, a blue-jay."

"Really?" He and his little brother said at the same time.

"Hey, you two look so much alike!" Brody said.

"I think we'll make a great team," I said to Rover. We did a fist-bump.

"Alright, so let's see how we can fight these stuff."

After that, it was much easier to get rid of the Dodos because they each had a gun, and all they had to do was just shoot one laser bullet, and the dodo would disappear. But the sad part was, while we were distracted talking to each other, more dodos had swarmed in, and now the place was full.

"Don't worry," Rover said, "I got this."


Speedy got a call on his watch. "It's the cadets from the other island."

"I thought watches didn't work here," I mumbled to Baddy, and he shrugged.

"So." Speedy said after his call, "The cadets from the other island. They're all here. They're with Bea and the others, except for one cadet, who's waiting outside. We have to go get her."

"How do we get out?"

The dodo that had come from smoke answered. "There's the door. I'll let you get in and out. You're doing a good thing, destroying this curse. Our species fought among themselves because of this. If they had agreed on one thing, this wouldn't have happened. You have shown me what they should have done. I admire you for that."

We looked to the left, where there was light coming from and a bright rectangle - the door. Speedy, Rod, and Baddy headed there. "Thank you," Baddy said, turning around. The dodo waved with his scythe-free hand.

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