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Alia sat right up in her bed, her heart pounding against her ribs. Another person dead, this time a small boy. She could feel his blood on her hands so she had to look down. No blood, just sweat. The clock on the wall told her it was around 02. Alia, who realised she wouldn't calm down any time soon, got up and walked downstairs to get some water. As she filled her glass someone came walking down the stairs. The redhead turned around and saw Clint dressed in a pink bathrobe with matching slippers.

"Nice robe" Alia gestured with her head.

Clint laughed and walked over to her.

"Another nightmare?" He asked while grabbing a glass for himself.

Alia nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I woke you up."

Clint filled his glass and shook his head.

"No it's fine, I used to get nightmares too, everyone here is used to it." He took two sips from his water and Alia did the same.

"So what are your nightmares about?" He asked her.

"My victims." The redhead sighed. "It's a new one every night."

"Shit, I'm sorry kid." He mumbled.

"It's okay, I did it so I should face some type of justice." She shrugged and tried to shake the guilt that was eating her alive.

"You were brainwashed, you didn't mean to." Clint tried to comfort her.

"I still did it though." She gave him a forced smile. "I'm going back to bed."

"Night" he called after her as she walked back upstairs.

The next morning Clint acted weird. He was stiffer than usual and he often looked around the room like he was looking for something. She had been staying with the Barton's for over a week and by now she was used to the routine. Breakfast, get ready, go outside, lunch, go outside again, play a game, dinner, movie and lastly bed. Alia tried to shake the feeling that something felt off and spent her morning doing a joke competition with Cooper.

"What did the beach say to the ocean?" She asked him and he narrowed his eyes.

"Don't know" he finally said.

"Nothing, they just waved" Alia grinned at him. "Did you sea what I did there?"

"That's such a bad joke" Cooper snorted.

"Are you shore about that?" She added and Cooper rolled his eyes with a quick laugh.

Cooper started telling his joke when Lila finally joined them downstairs. The ten year old made Alia braid her hair every night so she would wake up with wavy hair and this morning she had brushed the waves out, making her brown hair big and fluffy.

"I look like a poodle" she laughed and took her seat next to Alia.

"You do not" Alia told her but Cooper just giggled.

"Yes you do."

Lila laughed at that and started eating her toast with marmelade on. Alia loved breakfast, the fresh food and the morning sun that flowed through the kitchen windows. After breakfast Lila dragged Cooper and Alia outside for hide and seek. Cooper had to be the one to search and Alia climbed up into a tree to hide. She had chosen a green t shirt and her jeans shorts so she blended right in with the oak trees green leaves. She watched as Cooper found Lila hiding behind a trash can. They walked around their yard looking for Alia with no luck. They checked in and around the green garden shed, under the trampoline and around the house. Alia giggled as Lila checked under a stone that was noticeably to small for Alia to hide under. The redhead whistled to get their attention and Cooper snapped his head up and looked towards the big oak tree.

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