🩸 Chapter Ten: Deep End 🩸

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⚠️ TW: swearing, slight assault, alcohol use, ⚠️

As night approaches, it's only then that I realize I didn't pack my sleeping bag or blankets. I pull my sweatshirt over my head and ruffle it down my core. Angel stretches out on her makeshift bed, her mouth opening slightly as she yawns. Mercy pulls her sweatshirt down and looks over at me. "Need help?" I glance at her from the bean-bag I'm curled up in. "Here," She stands up and hands me a few blankets from a random pile in the corner by Angel and June. "We robbed a few of the other classrooms at the beginning of the Dark Days." I wrap myself in the blankets. They have a slight hint of cedarwood and lime. "Hey, um, do you know exactly who these were?" Mercy picks them up, inspecting them, "No, not really. Do you care?" I shake my head, pulling the blankets over my head. "Night," She purrs while flowing back to her bed. "Oh, and by the way," Angel hums, "It gets pretty cold here at night. Might wanna bundle up!" I smile at her cheery tone and tuck myself in.


The door swings open and cold air gushes in.  My eyes open in a flash and I clutch my spear. A dark figure enters the classroom. I'm on my feet in seconds, staring at the figure. "Hm, someone's up late," the figure coos alluringly. Rae swoops in closer to me, her core pressed to my back. Her fingers trail down my arm to the spear trapped in my hand. "Now c'mon, darling. You're no fun when you're stressed." She slips her fingers through mine and pulls away the spear.

"What do you want, Rae?" I grumble in a stern tone. "Stop being a bitch and be a whore," she slips her hands down my waist. I grab her hand and snap it back to her, pushing her back a few feet. "Woah there, love. No need to be an ass, damn." My glare pierces through her and I can see it in her eyes. She's being such a bitch. She's just drunk, she's just drunk, she's just drunk; I remind myself.

I think back to how I handled my dad when he'd get drunk and pass out or act rough.

"Okay, come over here," I forcefully grab Rae's arm and lead her to a stool. The others sleep soundly and I'm surprised they haven't woken up by how loud we're being. Maybe they're fake sleeping so they don't have to deal with Raelyn. Rae hobbles over and falls onto the stool with a thump. I shake my head and reach for my water bottle I filled before I left the classroom. "Hear, drink this." I handed it to her. She fondles it, opening the lid and taking a sniff. "What is this?" She slurs, sniffing it again. "Water, it'll help with the hangover tomorrow."

She giggles, "W-what's a hangover?" She giggles again and falls backwards. I catch her by her black leather jacket and pull her back up, being careful not to spill the water.

I groan-sigh, "Drink. It." She rolls her eyes, "Drink it mi-mi-mi," she makes mouth movements with her free hand. "Fine," I stood up from my crouched position, "if you want eye bags, then don't drink the water." She gasps and her mouth falls agape. "No way," she whispers, eyes twinkling like a little kid who just saw Santa. "Mhm, trust me, they'll be soooo visible."

She looks down at the black water bottle cupped in her hands. She puts the spout up to her lips slowly and softly, taking a small sip. The small sips turn into large chugs. "Woah woah woah, be careful. I need some too." She takes her mouth away, shakes the bottle, then continues to drink. "Ugh," I slip away to my bed, "leave some for me."


Soft laughter plays in my mind, like a summer breeze, it's comforting. It's a girl's laugh. She squeals and laughs and giggles. I roll onto my side, "Shushhhh I'm trying to sleep," I moan. "Oops, looks like we awoke the princess," Mercy teases, going back to her conversation. I bring my palms to my eyes and rub. Rub away last night, rub away Fern, rub away everything.

Everything but West.
I miss him so much.

My eyes flutter open. I groan as the light from behind the boarded windows attacks my eyes. "She's awake! She's awake!" Angel darts over to me like The Flash. "C-can I paint your nails? Can I?! Can I?!" A slight headache begins from Angel's energetic tone and volume. "Did someone give her caffeine?" She snorts. "Nah, she's just heavily energetic in the morning," Mercy mumbles mid-yawn. I look back to Angel, who's bouncing on her knees in front of me, pink nail polish in hand. "No, not pink," I moan. She frowns, "Why not? Pinks the best color in the rainbow!" She flails her arms around, making her opinion clear. "It's not even IN the rainbow," Rae chuckles. "Shut up, Raelyn!" Angel shouts.

Mercy gasps, "Ooooh, someone's angry." I sigh, rubbing my temples. "Must we be so loud so early?" Angel looks back at me, "Fine, I have some black nail polish I could use instead." I let out a small breath, "Yeah, that'll do." She stands up and retrieves a small bottle of black nail polish. The nail polish bottle makes a soft pop sound as air enters. She brushes the paint onto my nail in quick motions. A little bit of the cold paint drips onto my skin. It feels nice. Like swimming in a pool on a hot summer day.

She hums while she paints away, occasionally wiping her thumb along my skin, taking with the excess polish. "So, Rae, where'd you go last night?" Angel looks up as the words leave my mouth. "Wouldn't you like to know, princess?" I roll my eyes and scoff.

"There," Angel whirrs, "Now, let it dry so it can harden. Then I will go over it with a top coat so it doesn't chip!" I look up at Rae and Mercy, "She doesn't do the killing, does she?" Rae snickers and to that Mercy elbows her. "She's pretty good with a knife, I must say. You should see her." In my peripheral vision, Angel bounces from one leg to the other. I let out a heavy breath and get up, being careful not to snag my freshly painted nails. I blow air on them lightly.

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