iv - dad's visit.

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i didn't want my dad to be here. i was happy for once when i was with michael, and i knew being around my father was an instant mod drop. i breathed deeply as i stared at dad, who was standing at the end of my bed with his arms crossed in displeasure. michael, however, was standing at my side, scribbling on his clipboard. he took the occasional look from me to my dad, then back down at his doodles. it took a while for dad to finally speak up.

"still looking for attention by not speaking, i see." he stated, keeping a reasonable distance from me. i looked down, embarrassed, and felt both michael and my father's eyes burning a hole through the top of my head. my dad scoffed, and i just sighed while playing with my bed sheets between my fingers.

"you're a disgrace to this family, you know that?" my dad's voice raised abruptly, causing me to jump. i decided to do what i always did when dad yelled at me. i closed my eyes and was ready to defensively throw my hands up, while dad went on about how i wasted his time making him come here. i bit my lip and grabbed my notepad, my shaky hand writing,

no one asked you to come here.

"i would be seen as a neglectful father if i didn't!" my father shouted. i was sure the rooms down the hall could hear him yelling at me at this point. "i had to come here so i could assure the family that your worthless ass was going to make it out of this hospital alive! you know what, luke? don't bother coming home after you get out of this god damn place. you can die on the streets for all i care." i felt tears run down my face and my father stepped closer to my bed, making my hands fly up to cover my face.

in nearly an instant, michael took a step in front of me and held a hand up to my dad, so he couldn't take another step.

"mister hemmings, i'm going to have to ask you to leave." michael's voice was calm, though i could sense he wasn't very happy about the situation. my dad rolled his eyes and stormed out of the room, closing the door behind him. as soon as the door closed, i let out sobs and sniffled, my body shaking. i sat up and pulled my knees to my chest, crying into them.

michael's presence was quickly at my side, and his arms wrapped around me in an attempt to calm me down. my body wouldn't stop shaking and i couldn't stop crying. michael kissed my temple and as soon as his lips made contact with my skin, i went calm. my body stopped shaking and my tears ceased. i sniffled once more and looked up at michael.

michael's hands held either side of my face, and his eyes locked with mine. "you can live with me."

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