A locket

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"my house,my rules" she spoke loudly as she stood right between the room before looking over her shoulder back at haechan who stood frozen not knowing what to do

Suddenly Daisy spoke interrupting G from speaking further
"Even this house is in name of yours ,but haechan owns it , you should be the one to go out"

"Oh really" G spoke
"Guys am I the one who should walk out" G said in confidence before facing the members,on seeing no reaction from them her shoulders dropped as her confidence seems to fly away

"Guys.......?" She said as she trailed off

G looked around the whole room seeing no response from anyone as her gaze traveled back to girl in pure hatred

" I will not let you live it up" G warned Daisy before walking out of the house

As the front door slammed shut by G ,jaemin turned to members as he shouted

"Have you all gone balls for a stranger" jaemin said as he also received no reaction

"Y'all gonna regret it " he said as he also walked out following G concerned for her

jaemin stepped out of the mansion looking around as he saw no sign of her anywhere
"Where did you go"

G was zooming down the street on full speed as her eyes filled with tears , she pulled the breaks in front of a graveyard as she let out heart wrenching cry still sitting in her car

"Mom" she cried before she stepped out of the car running towards her mother's grave

She dropped on her knees after she reached the grave tears falling one after other making a beeline on her now red cheeks from cold and crying

"Mom!!!" She kept crying and calling out loud
" Everything is going against me , what have I done wrong"
"Haechan's hurting me mama"
"Everyone is hurting me mama"
" Help me please" she cried out as she bent dangerously low dropping her hands to side of her mother's grave before her hands grabbed handful of soil around the grave

Not feeling right with soil in her hand she let go the grip before she stood up standing on her feet wanting to see her dad's grave too but before she can walk away a lighting shined at the same place she let go of the soil

Squinting her eyes she crouched down to grip the object , she gripped the chain trying to pull it out but it didn't came out
She applied her full force on the object pulling it as hard she can before the object came out and she went flying back landing on her butt

"Owww, it hurts" she said as she stood up rubbing her butt

She raised her hand front of her face before she let go of the locket gripping only the chain as the locket dangled infront of her

" What the fuck is this" she questioned as she tried to remember where it is from

Breaking her out of her trance her phone ringed filling the silence with the loud ringtone making her wince at the sudden sound before she answered the call

"What is it jaemin" she said before distancing her phone from her ear became of the loud noises coming out

Words totally drowned out from her consciousness as her focus was only on the locket ,the only words she heard was "come back to headquarters now" before the call ended

G arrived at headquarters at nearly midnight as she stepped into the premises of the headquarters she was engulfed in a tight embrace before she felt the person sigh In relief , standing straight for a minute not moving a muscle she started melting in the warmth and smell of the person as she engulfed him back

"Jaemin-ahh" she called out and he only hummed in the response
"Why all this is happening to me"

" I don't know,if I knew I would do anything to protect you" he said as they both stood in silence engulfed in each other's embrace before a clearing of throat interrupted them as they parted away

"Mam , the room is ready" the man informed before jaemin led her the way

"Get some rest" jaemin said before stepping away walking a little further from the room he turned back to say something but was just met with a closed door which never opened again for the week

She suffered,she didn't eat anything,stress was taking over her ,she felt emotions leaving her ,she didn't felt need to get up
She was like a dead body in a dark room

Everyone tried to reach out to her but she just blocked them away the moment every member was quiet around her she again felt her family slipping through her fingers

The horrors of witnessing her parents death surrounded her she felt void of any emotions, her family died infront of her eyes when she was just a kid

She saw her mother get stabbed by a sharp blade nth times ,she saw her father burnt alive , she saw uncle get shot ,she saw her aunt get hanged , their screams sounded just real again in her ears she was back to the kid who witnessed her family get killed ,she was back to kid again who slowly got void of the emotions

After her family she got back up on her feet just because of the her members,her friends who she again addressed as her family she found emotions in them again she found a way to laugh in them again she found a reason to live again but now that reasons turned their back on her

G suddenly breaked out of her trance as she thought she can't loose her family again she needs to do Something
The loud knocking on the door made her stand on her feet and open the door for the boy behind

"Ya ,are you mad" jaemin said before he stepped in her room as he was about to hug her she extended her arm stopping him from coming further close to her

"Jae ,I need to show you something" she said before she walked further into the room crouching down beside her bed pulling out a small box

" First , you need to bath , forget bath ATLEAST EAT SOMETHING" jaemin said

" I will ,be quiet for now" she replied back irritated from his yelling suddenly she pulled up a chain which had a silver heart locket with pink heart shaped stone attached to it

" What it is" jaemin said after his gaze fell on the locket

" This locket , I found it digged beside mom's grave" G said before her gaze met his

"It definitely had to do something " she said

"A locket???" Jaemin questioned

"Yes ,A locket " G said looking back at the pink stone

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