The little heart stone

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Next morning, G and jaemin were called to office by taeyong Who didn't address them what for

G walked towards the office with her hair hanging loose on her shoulders as her bangs framed her face
As she reached the door the bodyguards bowed to her before knocking on the door and opening it for her

She entered the office as her eyes scanned everyone , her eyes got locked with the one she didn't wanted but what she saw made her little smirk widder

This morning while getting ready, G decided to clean the locket and wear it ,it suited her the little heart of stone
But what she got out of wearing it is what made her day

After G entered the office her eyes directly locked with Daisy whose eyes seems to travel from G's eyes to her collar bone settling on the locket

Closely keeping a eye on her expression , G noticed Daisy's fists getting clenched and growing hatred for her ,it made G smirk more

Her heels clicked around the room eventually as she sat infront of taeyong beside haechan who seemed to look at her with something she couldn't understand, hatred? disappointment? disbelief? , if he is feeling that then he's wrong as she should be one feeling that

Because she is the one who didn't turn her back on him, she's the one who didn't let him take the any fall, she's the one who made him into what he is today, she's the one who lifted him when their parents died, 'cause she's the one who loved him

But the man he is today SHE helped him and all that is given to a other girl infront her eyes and she's being just pushed away

As she sat beside him his scent infiltrated her as she felt her body tense ,the scent that used to make her comfortable now make her tense

"What I'm here for" she questioned taeyong as her hand traveled up to locket which was watched by the man sitting beside her and girl on right

Jaemin's eyes settled on haechan noticing he was frowning by seeing the locket

"You need to get back to base G" taeyong said

"Why" G asked

"They need you G " he said

"No they don't " she said

"Come on G you can't -" he said as G cutted him off

" No, no they don't " she said before her eyes met haechan

" People there don't trust me , they don't need me , what if I kill them?" She said looking into his eyes

"G-ahhh" taeyong started but he was shotted down by her immediate no

She stood up from her seat and started leaving the room she stood infront of the door her hand ready to unlock it as she spoke

"I'll help but I won't go back" with that she left

The room fell silent after her leave but in few minutes they heard her car leaving

Soon after haechan left the room too

He sat in his car his mind conflicted to follow her or not , ignoring his thoughts he started his car leaving to where his mind led him

Wind calming him a little , all the memories replayed in his mind but her eyes seeing hatred, disappointment, disbelief ,her tears , her eyes again void of emotions made his heart clench he didn't know what took over him but something in him told him where he will find her

He parked his infront the old burned mansion his eyes landing on the black car parked there ,she came here

Haechan walked into the Mansion his eyes trailing on the burned walls as he proceeded to walk in

He reached at start of the big hallway and there she stood right in the middle looking at the broken chandelier on the floor
He remembered how his and her mom bought it and were so excited to hang it

His shoes clicked on the floor which made her alert but she knew the footsteps, ,she knew the scent as she stood up her back turned to him she stood quietly as he spoke

"What are you doing here"

"I'm the one asking that" her voice real quiet as she replied

"It's still fresh ,the memories" he said as she only hummed in the response not wanting any conversation with him

G walked upstairs to her mother's room ignoring him but before she could walk another step her eyes caught something on the burnt picture

She stepped down back coming eye level to picture before taking it off
Her eyes observed the picture and someone else too from behind her

"Isn't it the same one you're wearing" haechan spoke

"Stop it" G said turning back standing face to face with him

"Stop trying to act like everything's fine , like you didn't do anything " she said

" Leave me alone atleast here"she walked downstairs her hands ripping the locket off her neck disgusted by knowing whose it is

As she walked out her vision got blocked by something being tied on her eyes forcefully she tried to fight back from the hold on her arms she tried to scream but the cloth on her nose made her black out making her falling limp

Haechan still stood at the stairs before he heard the sound of the van which definitely was not G's car he ran out of the mansion noticing her car still parked there

He walked further out to see more as he stepped on to something he took a step back to see what it was

It was the locket she was wearing and the bracelet he gave to her on her 20th birthday

Where did she go? He questioned looking around

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