Day 2: Stars

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English is not my native language!

Ship: Mumbo x Grian x Scar

Hermitcraft Season 9

Remember; this is how I view the characters, this is my way of portraying them. If at any point you discover you don't like the story or the way it's written or disagree with how I portraited the characters, you can leave.

Let me know what you thought of the story and what your favorite part was!


Mumscarian week, day 2: "Stars"

Scar, Grian and Mumbo are out on the fishing docks at night, resting and looking up at the sky. Small conversations are shared between them, and not so secrets come to light.

Aka, a soft and sweet story of the three of them loving each other.


"Do you think there's a chance there's Gods or Great Kings among the stars?"

Grian's soft voice rang through the silent night. After the sun set and the fish would bite no more, he decided to lay down in the grass near the docks. Not long after, he was joined by Mumbo, who admitted to spotting him from his base. The taller man had laid down next to Grian and they were almost arguing about the weird way Mumbo had to enter his base when Scar wordlessly joined them. He laid down on Grian's other side, with a small huff.

They had gone silent, relaxing after a long day of hard working, when Gian spoke up. Mumbo hummed. "I see nothing but giant balls of gas up there, mate," he said. "Everything's about balls and gas with you," Grian bit back. "Funny." Scar let out a noise closely resembling a Villager. "I like to think of them as fireflies, all swarming the big blue sky," he admitted softly.

"That's a nice thought," Mumbo agreed," tho, in fact, incorrect- ouch!" he glared at Grian who had not so subtly jammed his elbow in the other's ribs. Scar let out a laugh. Silence returned once more before Scar's curiosity got the better of him. "Why'd you ask anyway G?"


"Why wonder such things?" Mumbo chimed in," What Gods are you afraid of?" Grian hummed, not really offering an answer. "Oh, I know!" Scar exclaimed, clapping his hands together," The Mending Gods~" the other two let out a laugh, making them almost breathless.

"Why else build the Room? Room of SeaCreatures?"

Mumbo raised an eyebrow as he sat up a bit to shoot the other a questioning look. "Chamber of Seacritters," Grian stated with a smile," big underground cave I've spend weeks digging out and decorating to appeal to the Ocean Queen to give me a Mending book." Mumbo laid back down with a confused 'huh'. He wasn't going to ask more tho.

"It's almost as crazy as burning a diamond every time you see Ren..."


"Hey now!"

Mumbo leaned over Grian to softly punch Scar, followed by shoving the red sweatered man beside him. "I don't do that," he said with a huff," Besides, it's every time I think something bad about Ren, which is consequently almost every time I see him-" "Mumbo!" sounded a chorus, followed by laughter. They fell silent once more, Mumbo laying back down, shuffling a little closer towards Grian. "So, Scar. Anything weird happening on your side of Magical Mountain?" Grian asked playfully.

"Zombies keep climbing the ladders to my locomotive and killing me, effectively trapping me into a death loop every time the night falls."

Silence. "Are you okay, mate?" Scar shrugged. "Yeah, I'm fine, Impulse and Skizz helped light up the area, so no more Zombies should spawn." A hand found his way into Scar's and gave it a soft squeeze. "Seriously," he said, looking both of them in the eye," I'm fine. I will be fine. It's all a-okay." Grian gave his hand another squeeze and offered a small smile. Mumbo seemed less convinced. "If you say so..."

The comfortable silence returned as all three of them looked up at the stars above. Scar kept a tight grip on Grian's hand, not letting go. Mumbo, at one point, got hold of Grian's other hand. And slowly, but surely they were dragged closer to each other. This time, it was Mumbo who broke the silence.

"I like this."

"What?" Grian asked, almost a whisper. "This," the moustached man said, raising their joined hands," with you two. Just- hanging out. Stargazing, whatever it is." A soft squeeze. "I must admit, I like it better than fishing," Grian chuckled. That earned him a very dramatic gasp. "It's one of my favorite things to do," Scar said with a smile.

"Hold on, mate- one of your favorite things?" Both Grian and Mumbo looked curiously at Scar. "... what's your favorite thing then?" Grian asked, hesitating. Scar once more looked at both of them, making sure they saw how serious he was.

"Gazing into your eyes."

Grian let out a breathless chuckle, feeling warmth and affection fill his entire body. Mumbo was a flustered mess. "Stargazing is pretty fun," Scar said, smile turning teasing," but I like them better reflected in your eyes." Grian started to uncontrollably laugh, feeling all giddy, shaking his head. Mumbo just lost it and hid his beet red face in his hands, with one of them still holding on to Grian's hand.

"I must agree," Grian said, as he tried to take Mumbo's hands away from his face," that is much better." Scar chuckled as Grian managed to pry Mumbo's hands away. "You okay?" he asked. Mumbo simply shook his head, rubbing his face with his free hand. "What am I to do with you two?" he murmured, earning him some chuckles. "Aww, but you love us," Grian said teasing, sticking his tongue out. Mumbo chuckled as he looked at his two idiots.

"That, I do."

He took a deep breath. "I do agree that stargazing with the two of you is very fun, but..." The other two shot him curious looks. "That moon better stay that size!" Laughter erupted as Grian manged to pull the both of them very close, so they were almost entangled with each other. None of them minded as they spend the rest of the night cuddled close together.

Let's just say they did a lot more 'stargazing'. 

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