Chapter 3

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A/N: Trigger warning for this chapter. There are some scenes that contain depictions of sexual assault and abuse. Please be advised and I hope you enjoy it.

After walking for around 6 minutes, the pair reach the Kamo River as instructed. The river was completely frozen in some places and there were small flurries of snow skating across the ice. The bridge was covered in snow along the railings and there were about a dozen people walking in different directions.

"I thought you were trying to get rid of me for a moment," Ryuu chuckles. "At least we've lost our tail for the time being. I have a feeling this won't be the last time we see him."

"If I wanted you gone, I would've gotten rid of you hours ago. And I feel as though you might be right in that assumption," Mizu replies in agreement.

"Oh darling, you sure would have been able to try. But whether that be with a blade or your words, you will find that getting rid of me may be more challenging than you think," he challenges with a look of determination and a slight tinge of an inflated ego. "Whether you believe me or not, well. I suppose that's up to your judgment now isn't it."

"I guess we will find out. Won't we," Mizu replies, tilting her head suggestively. The pair continue walking and reach about a third of the way across the bridge before they hear men shouting from behind them. People on the bridge with them start to stop and make their way to the railings of the bridge and begin to fall to their knees. Ryuu turns to look at the people kneeling and then he can start to make out what the men behind them are saying.

"Make way. Make way for princess Akemi! Make way!" the lead bearer of the black and gold palanquin yells out. Ryuu turns to Mizu who is turned to look at the palanquin that is approaching them. Ryuu begins walking towards the edge of the bridge to move out of the way and Mizu joins him at the railing.

A princess. Interesting... Ryuu thinks. He keeps his gaze locked on the palanquin and the princess it carries. Not paying attention to Mizu, who is also looking straight towards the princess, Ryuu locks eyes with the princess inside. Or at least he thinks he does. She's quite beautiful, it's quite the face for one to just forget about and move on. His eyes linger on hers for half a second before he realizes that she is looking to his left now. He recognizes this and realizes she must be looking at Mizu. He takes the time to turn and look at Mizu, who is fully locked onto the princess' gaze. His eyes are wide with awe as he keeps eye contact with the princess. The princess turns her body to face them, flicking her eyes between Mizu and Ryuu. The palanquin continues on, and Mizu continues to follow it with his eyes. Mizu locks eyes with Ryuu which causes his eyes to widen at the fact that he was caught staring down the princess.

"So, I see you saw the princess too darling," he says, keeping his gaze focused on Mizu's. "Well lucky for us, I never forget a face once I've seen it."

"Good. She's a princess so she must be important. Let's keep moving," Mizu points out, quickly averting her gaze from Ryuu. Mizu starts to quickly walk away so as to not show Ryuu how flustered she just got from staring down a rather beautiful woman.

Ryuu frowns at the sudden urge to quickly leave and replies with a simple, "Understood." Ryuu begins sizing up Mizu trying to decide what his deal is with women and what causes him to get so flustered around them. Maybe he's never been with a woman before and gets nervous. He chuckles to himself and follows after him.

The pair cross the bridge and make their way to the temple. They pass by several people in quiet prayer when they notice the statues. There truly were hundreds, if not thousands, like the woman at the brothel had mentioned. Ryuu passes by several statues that are all posed to look as though they are also in prayer, but one of them catches his eye. The statue is about 6 or 7 feet tall and is posed with the man standing completely upright. His forearms are fixed closely to his sides with his fists facing the sky. Ryuu suddenly begins to recall the same pose he was forced to do as a child.

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