Chapter 13.

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It was barely four in the morning when Anni-Frid and Benny were woken to the sound of Lise-Lotte screaming. "We're coming Lotta" Frida said as she and Benny quickly got out of bed. Benny hurriedly threw on his pajama pants and top while Frida pulled down the oversized T-shirt she was wearing.

Once they made it to her bedroom Frida opened the door and saw her daughter screaming and thrashing in her sleep. "She's having a night terror" she said and quickly went to her bed.

"Lotta baby wake up, it's not real".

Benny touched her forehead and gasped. "Frida she's burning up. I think she's sick".

"Lotta sweetie wake up, it's mommy".

Lise-Lotte woke up scared and screaming. "Mommy!" She cried and threw herself in Frida's arms.

"Shhh it's ok, you're safe. It was just a nightmare" Frida said as she rubbed her little girls back. "I don't feel good".

"I'll go get you some medicine ok?" Benny said and quickly left the room.

"Momma you died. You died having the baby and they wouldn't let me see you or say goodbye. You yelled for me and I couldn't go in your room. You left me forever I didn't even get to say goodbye or have a hug or cuddle. Don't leave me mommy" Lotta said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Frida hugged her tightly and placed kisses all over her face. "I'm not leaving you sweet girl. It was just a nightmare. I won't die having the baby I promise. I'll be right as rain and after the baby is born we can have the biggest cuddle. Don't worry Lotta, I'm not going anywhere".

Benny came back with some medicine and water for his little girl. "Here you are sweetie" he said and helped her take it.

"Can I sleep in your bed please?" Lotta begged with puppy dog eyes. Before Frida could answer her Benny did. "Of course you can. You are my little girl after all" he smiled and lifted her in his arms.

"I love you dad".

"I love you too Lotta" Benny smiled and carried her to their room. Frida smiled and grabbed Lise-Lotte's baby blanket and followed behind them. When she walked into their room she saw Lotta snuggled up in her blanket between her and Benny's spot. "You're going to have to share that blanket missy" Frida giggled and got into bed.

Lotta scooted over and hid her face in her mothers neck. Within minutes the young girl was asleep. "Frida you need to get some sleep honey. We have to film the hotel room scene today".

"I know but she's so beautiful" she whispered as she watched her little girl sleep.

"Frida get some sleep, the baby needs it too".

She laid her hand on her bump and felt the baby flutter around inside her womb. She was excited to finally meet her little love. She hasn't held a baby in ages and it's something she craves. Granted, she held Linda when she was a baby. But it's not the same as her holding her own baby and she couldn't wait.

Anni-Frid looked at the clock which read 8:37 and sighed. "Lise-Lotte I have to get up now".

"Nooooo" Lotta whined as she was still asleep.

"Lotta I have to get up sweetie. We have to film today".

"But I don't feel good momma and I don't want you to go. Stay with me please".

"Sweetie I can't. I'm sorry you don't feel well and I'll cuddle you when I get home but I have to leave. You can stay in my spot if you want to" Frida said as she got out of bed.

"Can auntie Anna come stay with me while you're gone?".

"Lotta your auntie Anna has to film today too. She's apart of ABBA just like I am".

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