Chapter 18.

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It was just past four in the morning when Björn finally had enough. "Agnetha can you stop? Seriously. You've tossed and turned and complained all night" He said with annoyance and turned over in the bed to look at his wife.

"I told you I don't feel well".

"Well what do you want me to do about it? I would like to get some sleep before we have to leave for the studio. So if you can't be quiet and sleep then go somewhere else".

"You're joking right? There is no way you're being serous right now. You're going to kick your pregnant wife out of the bed?" Agnetha asked with shock in her voice.

"I'm serious Anna".

She looked at him with hurt in her eyes. Why is he being this way towards her? She carefully got off the bed and whimpered from the pain in her lower back. "Can you seriously shut up? I'm trying to sleep".

"I'm in pain Björn" she said and placed a hand on her back.

He said nothing and rolled his eyes at her. She left their bedroom and slammed the door behind her. "He is such an ass" she mumbled as she went to her daughters room. She quietly entered her room and climbed into her bed. She snuggled up next to her little girl being careful not to wake her.

"I hope it's ok if I stay in here. Your father is being mean to me and your baby sibling is causing mama pain" she whispered and kissed her forehead.

The sun made its way through Linda's curtains waking Agnetha up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and looks at the clock on her daughters nightstand. 8:45am. She'd have to get up and get ready. They have to be at the studio today, even though she didn't feel well enough to go.

Just as she was about to get up, she looked down and saw Linda asleep latched onto her breast. Anger grew in Agnetha. She told Linda multiple times she was not allowed to nurse and she still did it anyway. Anna forcefully unlatched Linda and shoved her, causing her to fall off the bed onto the floor.

"Linda Elin Ulvaeus you know you are not allowed to nurse" Anna seethed through her teeth.

"MAMA WHY YOU HURT ME?" Linda cried realizing what her mama had done to her. She didn't think she had done anything wrong. All she wanted was comfort as she had woken up from a nightmare and knew she shouldn't wake her mother. She didn't nurse and she didn't have her milk. Why was her mama being so mean to her? "Mama I no had milkies".

"Don't you lie to me young lady. I know you nursed and you know you're not allowed to".

"Mama I not do it. I had no milkies" Linda said as she chewed her fingers out of anxiety. The little one started to shake out of fear as tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't have milk but her mama didn't believe her. She would never do something her mama said no to and she would never do it without asking before. She just wanted some comfort but instead she's getting yelled at.

"You know what Linda? Since you are lying to me and won't tell me the truth, you can get yourself ready this morning. I have enough on me as it is. You are a bad girl and I don't want to see you right now. Mama doesn't help bad girls" Anna said sternly and left the little girls room, leaving her little girl on the floor in tears.

She walked into her and Björn's room to get ready for the day. She went into the closet and picked out an outfit and laid it on the bed. "Björn" she groaned as pain once again filled her lower back.

"What Anna?".

"I need you to take me to the hospital. Something's not right" Anna whimpered and rocked her hips back and forth.

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