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The days fly by and soon it's Thursday and we're on our way to the hotel that sits in the countryside a few miles out of New York. Jason's parents, his brothers and sister and their other halfs and children are meeting us there.

The same is with my bridesmaids, Amanda, Sandra and Jasmine, and their plus ones and Jason's best man. Jason's sister was supposed to be a bridesmaid as well, but she is heavily pregnant and in pain so she can't stand up through the whole ceremony.

Me and Jason have separate rooms until Saturday to make sure that we follow all those rules about the wedding ceremony. Jason thought it ridiculous, but he gave in when I gave him puppy dog eyes. These days before the wedding takes place, are filled with rehearsals and dinners and dance lessons and what not. Jason has been a little bit cranky and stressed over everything, but I guess that's to be expected.

We arrive in the afternoon to the hotel and get our keys so that we can unpack. Jason doesn't even give me a kiss when we go our separate ways. I try to shrug off the feeling of being ignored, but it hurts. Instead I focus on unpacking all my clothes, hanging up my beautiful wedding gown. I run my fingers over the rhinestones. I absolutely love it!

There is a knock on my door and when I open Amanda, Sandra, Jasmine and Madeline, Jason's sister, stand on the other side.

"Soon it's showtime!" Jasmine exclaims as she throws herself over me. I laugh as I do my best to not fall on my ass.

"I have the wine." Sandra says as she squeezes past me and Jasmine into my room. Amanda only shrugs and follows behind. Last Madeline waggles in and gives me a tight hug over her tummy. Then she made a beeline to the one and only stuffed chair in the room.

When Madeline has made herself comfortable she looks up and sees my dress. This is the first time she sees it as she couldn't join the dresshunt. "Wow. It's so beautiful. You are going to look like a real princess!" She exclaims.

"Yes! Our girl looks absolutely gorgeous in that!" Jasmine exclaims. "Ah. How I wish I could get a dream wedding like this. But DeShaun can't even get the hint that he should propose!" She shakes her head and pouts as everyone laughs.

"I'm so happy that you could make it." I say as I sit down close to Madeline. I take her hand and she gives it a squeeze.

"There had to be a baby halfway out for me to miss my little brother's wedding day." She says with a mischievous smile.

For an hour we sat in my room and talked about all the things that's going to happen tonight and tomorrow. Tonight there is a rehearsal dinner where we get to try out the food that's going to be served at the reception. Tomorrow it's rehearsal for the ceremony. The flowers are arriving and everything has to be set up for the reception.

After dinner me and my bridesmaids do some more partying in my room with drinking and dancing. The girls leave before eleven when I hint that I'm tired, even if it's not true. I know I insisted on having separate rooms, but that doesn't mean that I can't sneak over to Jason.

I take a shower and dress up in some new and sexy black lingerie. I style my hair and put on some light makeup. I want to look my best when I seduce my fiance. I put a robe over my outfit, take a last look in the mirror and then sneak off to Jason's room.

When I reach the door I hear moans and groans from inside.

Does he have company? I stare at the door as I feel my insides freeze to ice. I use the spare key that I picked up from the reception earlier to unlock his door. The room smells of sweat and sex and the moans get louder. I feel tears well up in my eyes as I step into the room. The whole situation feels unreal. Like watching a bad movie while drunk.

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