Ch.10 - Meeting and rematch under the beautiful cheery blossom.

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~~~Azur lane universe~~~

-Alexi pov-

After finishing my battle i met this maid named belfast who brought me to meet her queen, Elizabeth.

She brought me into a big beautiful garden who in it's centre had a comforting sheltered place to sit, When i was accompanied there i saw unicorn with her pet U-chan. Plus her big sister illustrious stood close to her on guard alongside her best friend wales.

Ugh this women again.

There were a lot of unknown familiar faces present as well but thanks to the power of my infinite knowledge i get the bio-data from head to toe on every single one of them.

I then later sat on the table with all these shipgirls and the who started the conversation first was this blonde child like shipgirl which sat before me.

I then later sat on the table with all these shipgirls and the who started the conversation first was this blonde child like shipgirl which sat before me

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This was elizabeth, The current queen of london and as well as the leader and representative of the entire royal navy.

"Greetings young man, I am queen elizabeth and you are..." Elizabeth ask me and i sigh.

"Alexi drake" I revealed my name.

"Nice name, So mr.drake you're the male that's everyone been talking around the base" Elizabeth says.

"I guess so, Though i'm not so sure because i only just arrived at this base a few hours ago" I answered.

"I see but how did you make your way all the way out here" Elizabeth questioned me suspiciously.

"Obviously, By swimming" I answered and everyone looks at me awkwardly.

"Excuse me...?" (Elizabeth)

"You heard me kid, I swim my way here" I said and suddenly an angry tick mark appeared over elizabeth's head.

"I'M NOT A KID!!" She shouted but noticing the surprised expressions of her fellow colleagues and maids she regains back her composure and then looks back at me again.

"~Cough~Don't call me that ever again, Understand" She ask and i just simply nod my head.

"Yes your majesty..." , 'When this is going to end' I thought irritated.

"Now normally i would call this a ridiculous claim but given what i've heard about you so far you might not be bluffing, Anyway all that aside there's 1 thing about you which is bugging us all..." (Elizabeth)

"And that would be..." I ask despite knowing full well everything.

"Just who or what are you mr.drake, There has been several reports about you regarding your unusual display of powers that were witnessed by many of our fellow shipgirls. For starters, Hijacking an sakura empire aircraft carrier, Then shooting several unknown energy blasts from your hands and then finally summoning steel claws from inside your flesh" Elizabeth ask me all this.

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