Ch.13 - The king's holiday.

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~~~Azur lane universe~~~

-Alexi's pov-

A few days have passed since my encounter with the queen of sirens who kidnapped akagi in order to further progress with her plans with that wretched ship, The orochi.

That bitch has created such a weapon which is powerful enough to completely wipe out an enemy base from miles away.

Honestly sometimes i don't understand my own feelings, At one hand i respect evolution while on the other i despite it in the event it brings nothing but chaos and destruction.

Sure i can ruin all that siren queen plans just by simply destroying orochi with a simple thought of my mind but then again it's not my fight and also where's the fun in that.

Hehe, I thought this way because out of curiosity i took the liberty and glanced at some upcoming events of the future which both revolted and amused me.

I won't tell anyone what i saw but i can say this much that the next battle is gonna be a damn finale and one heck of an epic showdown.

'I can't wait for the fight to begin' The king thinks to himself with a smirk.

-Pov end-

{Present day}

Today the omni king is once again destroying another major fleet of the sirens but he's in quite the excited mood because every single siren he's facing off against is a high-class.

And some are of even higher class but it didn't matter to the king since he's slaughtering them left and right, Plus their counterattacks have no effect against him whatsoever.

"Aw man come on!! Try harder and make this more exciting for me!!" The king says with a sick smile on his face.

Hearing this mocking statement the sirens felt a great dent in their pride, They all then doubled their efforts in destroying the king but the end result didn't change so after a few more minutes of playing the king finally became bored and killed them all.

When every siren was dead the king called out to the head maid whose been watching him from the shadows the entire time.

"You can come out now belfast" Alexi says and belfast appeared before him.

"You knew that i was here the entire time...?" (Belfast)

"Thanks to the unique power of my mental cube i know everything, Like the fact that your precious queen has assigned you to watch over me in order to know more about me. Right" The king says and belfast looks at him completely shocked.

"H-how did yo--" (Belfast)

"Belfast like i said, I know everything" The king says again with a smirk.

Slight beads of sweat are now rolling down belfast's face and she has become a little nervous too, Belfast knew that this mission assigned to her won't be an easy task but she didn't think that her true objective will get exposed in the very beginning.

Anyways taking a deep breath the head maid shove all her unnecessary thoughts and regains back her calm and composed demeanour before saying anything to the almighty king.

"Yes sir you are correct, My queen has assigned me to you in order to closely monitor all your activities and know about you as much as i could" Belfast says truthfully.

"And i'm guessing she did this so after i revealed that it was i who killed the previous siren queen" (Alexi)

"...Yes, Now since you already know everything i hope my presence won't be of any bother to you" (Belfast)

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