Arranged marriage?

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Kai : Hey wake up . We have a meeting soon. They are already here.

Yang: Oh i totally forgot about the meeting. Give me 5 minutes I'm coming.

Kai : Take a quick shower first . You are so dirty .

Yang : Roger that Mr. Kai .

I'm Yang shan . The president of Yang group. It wasn't my choice to become a president but my father forced me into this . This life is so boring.

Ahhhh who wants to shower early in the morning. I'll just spray some perfume.

Outside the meeting room,

Kai : Bro you are late . They are waiting for you for an hour . Your father is angry too.

Yang : Stop nagging. I was showering because you told me .

Kai : Shower ? You? Bro you can't hide anything from me . I know you didn't shower .

Yang :Okay . Let's go inside now or i will be beaten to death .

We went inside the meeting room and my father was giving me death stare . I will not get food today.

Kai : Hello Everyone. Sorry we are late . Let me introduce, this is Yang Shan . The president of Yang group and the lead of this project .

Yang : Hello Mr.Mo . Nice to meet you and please accept my apology.

Mr. Mo : No problem. Nice to meet you too .

Kai : Then let's start the meeting now .

After the meeting Kai sent them off and my father called me to his cabin . I know he will chop me into pieces . I nervously went inside .

Dad : Close the door .

Yang : You called me ?

Dad : Why were you late for the meeting?

Yang: The traffic was very heavy and i was stuck there .

Dad: Why are you so careless? You are all grown up now . Why don't you act like an adult ?
Do you know how much important the project is for us .

Yang : Sorry i will be more responsible now .

Dad: Go home early. Your mother have something to talk about.

Yang : okay . Then I'll go now .

Shit ! I think my heart is going to blast because of nervousness. But I'm familiar with this .

Kai : How was your meeting with your father ?

Yang : Don't rub salt on my wound . I have to go home now . You wanna come ?

Kai : No not today . I have a date gotta go now bye .

Yang: Okay . Bye .

What a tired day it was ! I went straight to home .

My mom made a big feast like it was my wedding.

Yang : Mom I'm home . How are you ?

Mom: Oh you are back . Missed you so much . How are you doing?

Yang: I missed you too . I'm doing good . By the way father told that you have something to discuss. What is it ?

Mom : Let your father come we will tell you everything. You go upstairs and get freshen up. I'll call you .

Yang : Okay .

I moved out a year ago because of the work and had a fight with my father. I rarely comes home .

This is so exhausting. Suddenly Tang called me . He is one of my friend or you can say my ex from overseas.

Tang : Hello Yang . What are you doing? How are you? Why didn't you called me these days? I miss you . When will you come back?

Yang : One question at a time . How am i suppose to answer you huh . I'm doing great and i will not be coming this year because of the workload.

Tang : Oh . Then can i come see you ?

Yang: No . I'm really busy. Then i have to go now bye .

I cut the call instantly.

We were in a relationship for 2 years but then it was not working anymore so i broke up with him . He is only 18 this year . He doesn't even understand his feelings . I just thought it was a right choice so i broke up with him and now we are like friends . But he still have feelings for me . That's why he behave like this.

Mom : Yang , come quickly the food is getting cold .

Yang: Coming.

As i went downstairs, i saw my father making a serious face but it's normal for me .

Mom: Sit here . Eat more you have gotten very slim lately.

Dad : Don't pamper him much .

Mom : You keep quiet. son, eat more .

Yang: What is the thing you were going to say ?

Mom: Actually the thing is that your father's friend Mr. Gu , has a son named Gu Lang . When you were young your father promised him to get you married to his son . Now you two are grown up so we want you two get married.

Yang: What ?! I can't marry anyone because of your promise .

Dad: We don't know anything. You have to marry him no matter what. I'll fix the date of your marriage. Also I'll invite them tomorrow. So you can't go out for two whole week and if you does I'll break your legs . Conversation ends no more talking now , eat and go to sleep .

Yang : But dad ...

Dad : Don't talk .

I stood up angrily ,

Yang: Why can't i make any decision on my own ? Why don't you listen to me once ? I will not marry him that's it .

I was very shocked and angry so i went upstairs without eating. My mom tried to stop me but i didn't listened to her.

Mom and Dad had a conversation

Mom : You don't worry he will agree .

Dad : Tell him to agree or i will deal with him in my way .

Mr.clean freak  have  no choice but to marry Mr.messy Where stories live. Discover now