Juulden fluff 😋

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(A/N: This is not the place to hate. This ship had been growing on me. I like it, so yeah😭 Also this is out of character, I'm sorry💔)

James's pov:
After Yul got onto the orange team, things had been different for James. He seemed to be in love with both Aiden and Yul. It was difficult because they hated each other. he just wanted the both of them to get along. After a long time, he finally decided to talk to Yul about this.

"hey yul"

"What's up, James?"

"I need to be honest with you."

"What's up?"

"I like you,"

"You what?"

"I like you, but I also like Aiden,"

"I like both of you as well, you know,"

"You do?"

"Well, yes,"

I smirk, he blushes slightly as I start leaning in to kiss him

He kisses me back. The moment felt so unreal. I was kissing someone I didn't even expect to like guys.

"We have to ask Aiden," I say


Aidens pov:
James has been acting weird around Yul, like he's in love with him. I can't blame him, Yul is very hot. 'Shut up, aiden,' I thought to myself. I'm not supposed to like him or even find him hot. However, with James, things were different. He seemed to blush around James a lot. Even others would notice and ask him about it. But about Yul, he never thought about him that way. He could feel his face warm up thinking about the both of them.

Yul and James walked in, something seems off.

"What do you guys want?" I ask.

"We have to be honest with you, Aiden." James said


"Well, you see," Yul continued. "There's something we need to talk about. It's about us."

"Wait, you guys like me? both of you?"

"Well, yes," they both said

When thinking about it, my face gets red.

"So.. what do you say?"

"I mean.. I like you both too, but isn't it too fast?"

"It's never too fast, darling," Yul said

This made my stomach turn, my face now being completely red.

Yul's pov:
I can't believe this. Two guys who like me, who I both happen to like back.

"Hello, earth to Yul, are you okay?" Aiden asks

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry,"

James and Aiden giggle. 'They're so cute', I think.

"So what are we?"

"We could be boyfriends? If you guys are okay with that, " James says

"Okay," Aiden says

"Yeah, that's fine," I say

I pull Aiden to the bed, and we're face to face. "You're mine now, I'm yours."
Aiden's face was red. I kissed him. Suddenly, a weight dropped on me. It was James. "Don't leave me out,"
"Of course we won't." I say. After that, both James and I shared a kiss, and so did Aiden and James. Since we had a day off, we watched a movie, a horror movie. Aiden got scared and held us tight as we tried to calm him. I am so happy with them.


Holy shit this is so bad, but whatever😭😭

I love Juulden so much <3

Recommend me any ships here!!

Sander, 533 words.

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