Jam Angst/fluff

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(A/n: Tom asks Aiden for advice on Jake and asks him out.)

Toms pov:

'Oh no, what did I say.' I think to myself. I lied to Jake and Aiden about having a boyfriend. I feel horrible. If only I had told Jake how I really feel about him.

It's 5am. I tried to be as quiet as possible. "Uh, Tom?" I hear a voice say. It was Aiden. "Oh, uh, hey." I say. "Are you crying? Let's go out of the tent to talk." He whispers. 

We get out of the tent as quietly as possible.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I lied." I say.

"About what?" He asks.

"I don't have a boyfriend. Even worse, I still love Jake." I say.

"Oh wow. Listen, Tom, you've got to tell him the truth." He says.
"I know, but I doubt he will believe me." I say.

"Trust me, Tom. You just have to tell him the truth this time, tell him how you really feel. Come get your man back." He says. "I know you ghosted him, which was pretty rude, but trust me, forgiving is a good thing. Just look at how James and I ended."
I smile at him. "Thanks."

It happened to be 6am, and everyone just got called to wake up. Ellie was voted out 3 days ago.

"You guys are awake?" Tess asks. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep anymore." Aiden says. "Same." I say.

"Well, I'm gonna look for breakfast." I say.

I was eventually gonna look for breakfast, but first, I wanted to go to Jake.

Jake's pov:

I was just sitting down, still waking up. Ashley and I were just talking, as Ally went to look for food.

All of a sudden, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Tom standing there.

"What are you doing?" I ask. "Hey Jake, can we talk?" He asks.

"What do you want?" I ask, pretty annoyed with him.

"Just follow me, please.." He says.

"Fine." I say.

We walk a bit away from camp, nobody is there. "So, why did you want to desperately talk to me?"

"There's something I have to say. So, uhm, basically, I lied about having a boyfriend. And the thing is, I am still in love with you. You never left my mind. I understand that you're probably mad at me and don't want to forgive me, but can we ple-" I cut him off by kissing him.

I pull away after realizing what I just did. "Oh uhm, Tom, I'm so sorry, uh-" I get cut off by him kissing me this time.

"Jake, I'm in love with you." He says. "Tom, I'm in love with you too." I say.

Suddenly, we hear a few screams. "HOLY SHIT FINALLY." It's Aiden. "Jesus Aiden, shat are you doing?" He asks.

"Well, I was just looking obviously. Tom, I swear, why did it take you so long." He says.

"Honestly, I don't know. but I'm glad everything is okay now." Tom answers. Tom kisses me another time.

"Alright, you two can have some alone time." He winks at us.

"Thank you, Tom." I say. He smiles at me and kisses me another time.



- Sander, 543 words

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