Jake & Aiden become friends

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(A/N: takes place in all stars. Aiden feels bad and apologizes to Jake. Jake has doubts about it at first but accepts his apology and also apologizes. They become friends. Aiden has autism and Jake has bpd. (both are just headcanons.))

Aidens pov:

I walk around, pretty nervous. I was thinking about the game and what I could do to get further. Then I realized I should apologize to Jake. Obviously, we were both in the wrong, and I wanted to make it right. He didn't have to be friends, I just wanted him not to hate me.

I walk over to Jake, still thinking about it. Because of my autism, communicating wasn't easy for me, but since I started dating James, it's been a lot better.

"Hey Jake.. Can we talk?" I ask, trying to sound serious. "Uh, what's up?" He asks. "Please follow me, I need to tell you something." I say. He nods. "Okay."

We walk further from camp until we arrive at my favorite spot. In the middle of the forest, there is no noise or anything.

"So, what did you want to say?" Jake asks. I doubt it for a second, but start talking. "Well.." I stuggle. "Hey, it's okay. Take your time." Jake says. "Okay.. So, I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for just being so rude and acting like a child. I should've handled it better. And I-" I start to panic. Jake puts his hand on my shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I'd like to apologize, too. I've been an asshole. toward you this while time. I've not been treating you well. I just want you to know, I'm sorry too."

"Oh, wow. Well, I'd like to mention om autistic so these things are harder for me." I say. "That's okay. I have bpd." He says. I smile at him. "You do?" I ask. "Yeah, I got diagnosed not too long ago before All Stars." He says. "Oh wow, thanks, by the way." I say. "Of course."

I hug Jake, and he hugs me back. "We should go back." He says. "Yeah, let's go." I say.

We walk back to camp, talking about different things. "Since when are you two so close?" Tom asks. "Since today." I say. Tom looks at us, confused.

Jake and I sit down. "I remember in season two when James did a cartwheel for a tiktok, and he almost broke his leg." I say, laughing. "Oh wow, was he okay?" Jake asks. "Yeah, he didn't break a bone, luckly."

"That reminds me of when Tom tried to climb a tree back in season one." He says. "What happened? Was this off camera?"

"It was. So basically, he climbed the tree, but halfway, he fell out." He says. "Ouch, that must have hurt." I say. "It did." Tom said. Jake and I laughed.

"Man, I miss James.." I say. "Hey, it's okay, buddy. I'm sure he's very proud of you." Jake says. I nod. "Thanks, Jake."



- Sander, 508 words

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