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She led without fear, Astreia held every characteristic that I wanted to behold for Islaraven's people. I pondered more about how I could achieve these goals of becoming more like this woman and how to unbecome all these fear based ideologies I had been carrying around with me for decades.

Releasing these old ideas would not be an easy task. Honestly I was not sure how I would manage to figure out this environment I was currently in. I wanted to figure out the world's mysteries and how we as people sociologically fit into the archistructure around us.

Why did we as people result to violence, hate, malice those were normalitilies that we had grown too comfortable with but, why? Why didn't we naturally strive for peace? I was getting rather overwhelmed with all the thoughts spinning through my head, I laid down and rubbed my hand against the grass. 

The Diary Of Princess Azalia - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now