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Gellert Grindelwald sat reading today's edition of The Daily Prophet (May 2nd 1998) on the family sofa.

"Look here, Jenny." He called, softly. They read in silence:

" The Dark Lord defeated", "Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry left in ruins after death eater attack"," Rita Skeeter's Severus Snape saint or sinner? page 12" "The Boy Who Lived eradicates Voldemort for the second time in 16 years", "Shacklebolt appointed as new minister for magic".

Jenny then said "Wow, finally, I can't believe it!"

Jenny cast confetti with her wand. "It's over, Gellert, it's finally over"

Gellert just smiled but couldn't help thinking of everything that had taken place. He then put his arm around her and said, " The twins can go to school in peace once Hogwarts is fixed."

"You're right! I must go tell them!" She gave him a quick kiss and hobbled slowly out the room.

She came down into the basement to hear: " Hey Essy! Essy!"

"What Percy? Be quiet as I'm trying to calm this puffle and you are scaring Mr. Snoodle!"

"Essy! GG was bad!" Jenny saw that he had The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore by Rita Skeeter in his little 7-year-old hands.

" No, he never was! " she protested.

" He was! It says so right here!"

"I won't believe it! I won't read it!"

"Hey, what's going on down here?"


"GG, Perce says you were bad once, I don't believe him."

"You are right" Esther smiled and looked and Percival as if to say 'see!'.

"I was completely evil." They gasped in shock, and Esther dropped the puffle she was holding. 

"You tell lie", she said.

"No. Your nana will tell you how evil I really was, and how I still would be if it wasn't for her." GG (Gellert Grindelwald, or Great Grandad), had appeared when he heard them arguing.

"Oh please!" Percy asked.

"Erm, maybe once you're older, although Newt and Tina may tell you something about it as they were also there."


"Nanny! May we go now and ask? Please?", Percy said.

"Erm, I guess so, if I can come with you and if you bring King Peppy and Rosie with you, as Newt said he could help when any of them are ill."

"Thanks Nanny!" They both cried.

"Oh Percy darling, pass me that book, please. It's GG's and you musn't read it without permission."

"yes Nanny"

Percy got King Peppy who was under the weather, while Essy got Rosie the puffle who had been refusing to eat since yesterday lunchtime.

"See you soon, Gellert, love." Jenny said.

"Bye bye GG" Essy and Percy said.

Jenny, Essy and Percy stood one-by-one in the fireplace, took some Floo powder, and each cried "Scamander House, Dorset", before disappearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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