Im falling.. literally!

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sorry this took so long ! i've been feeling really tired and unmotivated lately 😞 enjoy the chapter !!

Felix awoke to his alarm blaring. It was early so there wasn't any light coming in from the window. He groaned, aimlessly hitting the table next to him. Felix eventually found his phone and shut the alarm off. He sat up and stared at the ground for a minute before getting out of bed. Felix grabbed the outfit he laid out and went into the bathroom. His hair was a mess, he reached into the shower and turned the water to warm. While waiting for it to heat up he turned his playlist on and listened to some music. Once the water was warm, he stepped into the shower. After showering (which took a while because he was so tired), he got dressed in his clothes and started to style his hair. He blow dried it and used his straightener to style it. Once he got his hair the way he wanted it, Felix stepped out of the bathroom and started to make a small breakfast. He sat down and ate quickly.

"That actually tasted pretty good," Felix mumbled.

Felix went into the bathroom again and brushed his teeth. He checked the time, making sure he wasn't going to be late. Once he finished brushing his teeth Felix went into his room and put his shoes on. He looked at himself in the mirror, checking himself over. Felix thought he looked decent. He grabbed some cologne and sprayed a few times.

"Oh crap, I'm gonna be late," Felix said, checking his phone.

He grabbed his backpack and zoomed out of the door. Felix carefully but quickly hurried down the building's stairs. There were a lot of people on the sidewalk so Felix had to squeeze in between them to get through. He made sure to apologize if he bumped into anyone. Felix made it to the first corner of the sidewalk, he took the turn a little too hurriedly and slammed into something solid.

"Did I run into the wall? No.. crap, Im falling aren't I.." Felix thought.

Felix fell backwards on his butt and dropped his backpack off his shoulder.

"O-oh my god, I'm so sorry- I was going way too fast! Are you ok?" Felix apologized, holding his nose where he hit the persons chest.

"It's ok, I'm totally fine. Are you ok? You ran into me pretty hard." The stranger bent down to Felix's place on the ground.

"I-" When Felix finally looked at the person he was the most beautiful man he'd ever met eyes with. "I-I'm fine! Totally fine! Aha.. You just have a very muscular chest! Not that that's a bad thing, wow I'm rambling! Anyways I'm so sorry," Felix bowed deeply, face red from embarrassment.

"Again, it's ok. Shit- I have to go. I hope you make it to wherever you're going safely, Bye!" The stranger waved and hurried off, disappearing into the crowd.

Felix dusted himself off and also hurried to his class. He was definitely going to be late now.

————————————————————————at class

Felix was huffing and puffing by the way he made it to class. His apartment was close to his school but it was still a little far even to run. When he made it to the classroom and opened the door the class hadn't even started yet.

"Welcome in, would it be right to assume you're Mr. Lee Yongbok?" The teacher greeted him from the front of the class.

"Ah- Yes that's right. Sorry I'm late, I ran into someone  on the way here."  Felix bowed, once again.

"It's totally fine, don't worry about it! We are still waiting for one more trouble maker, he's a year older than you. He's known for being late." She said, "You can stretch if you want to, my name is Ms. Ryujin."

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