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No one's pov

Olivia is looking out the barred window of the metal door but she heard no voices or seen anyone.

Olivia: ok, so it's a little bit quiet....i think we should still check it out.

Marvin: *worried* maybe the evac is a little bit further in the mall.

Dex: *annoyed* ugh, I hate malls.

Marvin: man I'm hungry, there has to be a food court around somewhere.

Inco: yeah......CEDA has to be here too, let's find the evac and get outta dodge.

Dex: if anyone sees a men's store, let me know I've got blood on my suit.

Marvin: man I love malls, I do once I was in this mall up in Atlanta when I was 7, and these guy were like dancing for like money and stuff and my dad paid them to sing a song called-

Dex: you know what I like about your stories, the sound they make when you stop.

Marvin angrily rolled his eyes.

Olivia: SHUT UP DEX!, sweetie I love your stories I really do but......not now ok.

Marvin: ok.

Inco grabs his SPAS-12.

Inco: you guys ready?

Olivia: yeah.

Dex: yes please.


The group stared at Marvin with confusion and fear for his safety, Inco then opened the metal door as they exit the room.

They see a couple of zombies, then Dexter shoots one running at him then Olivia shoots two more then Marvin uses his grenade launcher to shoot one from afar.

A zombie is on top of someone furniture but Olivia was quick enough to shoot it with her gun.

A zombie is on top of someone furniture but Olivia was quick enough to shoot it with her gun

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She then reloads it and gets excited.

Olivia: *excited* why didn't they me shooting these things felt like this?

Marvin: oh we like to keep those a secret from ya'll, if there's any trouble it's nice to know ya'll ain't armed.

Dex: up the escalator!

Marvin: keep an eye out for the evac center.......also the food court cuz I'm starving.

The group goes up the escalator to the second floor, as they explore Olivia sees something on the table and picks it up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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