𝟓. "𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮"

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Belle woke and sighed as she looked to see her brother was calling her. She declined the call. She knew she wasn't in the mood for him.

Especially as lately all that Belle could think about was Elijah.

Belle knew how she wanted to see him again. She wanted to feel him again. She groaned as all she could think about was Elijah running his hands over her body as he had his way with her.

Before she had anymore impure thoughts, she got out of bed and grabbed a shirt from off the floor. She made her way downstairs and saw Madeline. "I need you to do me a favour," she said.

"I'm not free."

Madeline rolled her eyes and smiled. "I'll buy you a whiskey and a burger," she told her.

Belle nodded and smiled. "That will do. What is it?" She asked as she looked to her aunt.

"I have to attend this historical society thing at the Lockwood house. And I kind of don't want to do it alone," Madeline said.

"So you're bribing me into going to this event with you? Jenna. You've been hanging out with Damon and Lily too much," Belle joked.

Madeline rolled her eyes. "Belle."

"Okay. Fine. But you owe me big time for this. Especially as I genuinely don't want to do this," she told her.



Belle arrived at the Lockwood house. She saw Damon there. "Madeline. What are you doing here?" He asked as he walked over to her.

"I got roped into this by Jenna. Why are you here?" Belle asked. She looked to him. "Well?"

Damon shrugged. "Curious."

Belle rolled her eyes. "Why are you here? Didn't think you'd be the type for this," she said.

Damon shrugged. "I thought I'd test daddy Gilbert is being truthful. Plus there is a chance meeting I need to have with an original named Elijah," he told her.

"Elijah? How do you know he's going to be here?" Belle asked.

Damon smirked. Knowing his sister had a thing for the suited original. "A little tip off from my new girlfriend. Andie Star. From action news," he told her.

Belle raised her eyebrows. She looked to him. "Wow. I thought you couldn't get a girlfriend? That's why you manipulate people for an orgasm," she said with a shrug.

"Well I hadn't seen her naked. Seeing as no one else is putting out for me," Damon said.

Belle rolled her eyes. She went to walk off. She turned back to Damon. "With an attitude like that, I'm not surprised. So good look with Andie. Wait, is that what you've named your actual hand?" She asked.

"You're not funny."

"No. I'm fucking hilarious," Belle said as she walked off into the house.


Madeline walked over to her best friend and smiled. "There you are. I thought you'd skipped out of coming," she said.

Belle shook her head. "No. I just got sidetracked by that asshole," she told her while pointing to Damon. "

"Damon. I see you brought the news lady here," Madeline said as Damon walked over to them both.

"Yeah. Thanks for introducing us Jenna," Damon said as he walked off.

Both Jenna and Andie stood there watching him. Belle rolled her eyes. "I need a drink. I can't get through this sober," she said as she looked to Madeline.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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