10-One Bed For The Smoker

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It's been three days since the wedding night, and each day feels more monotonous than the last. While my work keeps me occupied, the routine is starting to wear on me. The morning runs with Inna have been a welcome break, but they're not enough. I've been considering joining a gym or investing in home gym equipment to spice up my workout routine. But where the fuck is this home? The idea of having a dedicated space for exercise is appealing, but finding the right place in this grand palace is a challenge. Perhaps converting one of the rooms into a personal gym could be the solution, I badly need my boxing equipment.

I waited impatiently for the help to prepare my smoothie. After my morning run and shower, I needed a quick boost before diving into work. I know it's not the most regal behavior to stand in the kitchen waiting for servants to serve you, but today, I couldn't care less. Let them hold it up to their backsides for all I care.

"We were searching for you," Jude's voice cut through my thoughts. She was approaching with Inna in tow. Jude's outfit was as dark as her demeanor—a black shirt neatly tucked into black jeans, with a hint of a gun concealed within. Her curly brown hair was pulled back into a messy bun, but it was her eyes that always stood out. They seemed to radiate a perpetual glare as if she had a deep-seated animosity toward the world. Her eyebrows perpetually knitted into a frown, making me wonder if she was born with that expression permanently etched on her face. Glaring seemed to be her default setting, though I knew deep down that it was just her way of being. Sometimes, she didn't mean to glare; she just did.

I thanked the help for my green smoothie, hoping silently that she hadn't added any sugar to it. As I took a sip, the strong taste of spinach hit my taste buds, and I was relieved—it meant she hadn't added anything extra.

"Why were you both looking for me?" I asked, turning to face Jude and Inna.

"Have you seen the fight that happened between our partner and one of the customers?" Inna replied, getting straight to the point.

"I did. I've already ordered for that asswipe to be taught a good lesson, so he learns not to grab women again, especially those under my care," I said firmly as we walked out of the kitchen, mindful of the ears around us. "I've spoken to Sin about it, and he's fully aware." We continued on our way to the gardens, my mind already shifting to the next order of business.

"Don't you think we should own some streets here?" Inna adjusted her ginger hair into a ponytail, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Well, that's why I'm here."

"What did you do?" Inna gave me a suspicious look, her gaze piercing.

"I bought a casino from an old friend of mine," I replied casually.

"Old friend?"

"Ever heard of the Terrence brothers?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You mean the mmmm."


"How are they your friends? We've never dealt with them," Inna fired off questions, her curiosity piqued. I shrugged, not really in the mood to delve into the details with her. "We were both on a mission to kill a businessman who is actually a sex-trafficking man, and we kinda helped each other," I explained, downplaying the intensity of our involvement. In reality, I had saved the life of his sister, who had been trapped in sex trafficking. She was his dear sister, drugged and abused, and I had intervened before it was too late.

"What did me or Sin know about it?" Inna's curiosity persisted, but I deflected, "I wanted you to stay away from it. It was my money, and I made the purchase with that in mind. I don't want any disturbances. Terrence sold me a casino here with a good number of customers and a prime location. We stand to gain good access and it will help me in drug manufacturing."

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