chap... 29

240 10 14

haechan pov 🫡

i sighed as i felt hyein lean further into my shoulder, her long silky hair spilling out over my torso. i took a deep breath, wondering how i ever even got in this situation.

why me? i ask god, looking up to the ceiling as if expecting an answer. of course, nothing happens. i was half hoping he would just smite me or something. end my suffering.

how hyein had managed to lose absolutely every rock paper scissors match we did? i have no clue. now, she was absolutely wasted. how great.

the thing is, i swear we had literally discussed what her drunk behavior is like over text. but i was not warned at all of how touchy-feely she gets?

as much as i wanted to get drunk now, i couldnt. i couldnt let myself get drunk and have hyein with no one to take care of her. no way was i going to let her get in an uber THIS wasted at ass o'clock in the morning. hell to the fuck no.

i'm pretty sure i'm the only sober one in this house, unfortunately. it was kind of disappointing. i had really looked forward to this party, hoping to be able to just let myself go and have fun and relax. get CRUNK, as some would say.

yet, as i sit here on the couch with hyein leaning lazily on my shoulder with her legs put up on my thighs, i didnt care about any of that anymore. it was better than anything i ever expected initially from this party.

i felt her laughter reverberate through my body as she giggled at something someone said around us. i tried to ignore her very prevalent presence pressed onto my body, but it was no use.

trying to engage in all the conversations going on around me was pointless. i could only focus on the girl clinging drunkenly on my side.

me and hyein took up 2/3 of the couch, with johnny sitting on the other end to the right of me. he was engaged in conversation with hannah in the lazyboy seat beside him, so it was almost like we were the only 2 on this couch.

for me, at least. i dont think hyein is as hyperaware as i am right now. i had long since zoned out from my dear friends surrounding me, hyein occupying my whole brain.

man, i wish i could go play fortnite right now.

wait, no. i take that back. i have a whole bad bitch clinging on to my side and im thinking about when the next time i will be able to play fortnite is??? am i a fucking loser??? i might as well just go on discord and find me an e-kitten while im at it.

i mentally slap myself for going off track. this is not the problem at hand.

get it together, donghyuck.

the real current problem was intoxicated hyein lounging a little too comfortably on the side of my body. i felt like as the minutes ticked by, she only inched closer to me. which i didnt even know was possible. i couldve sworn there were no atoms between us at ALL, her skin fully pressed up against the side of my thigh.

suddenly, i gained consciousness, looking around to the people in the living room before me. as i flit my eyes to different people sitting around here and there, i notice they are all staring at me giving a smirk.

these cocky bitches. i cant STAND them. im going to quit nct, leave sm, and never speak to any of them. i cant take this shit anymore.

in my shock realizing that everyone around the room is actually hyperaware of me and hyein's situation right now, i turn my gaze to johnny sitting beside me.

i dont know why i thought that he was totally uninterested in me and hyein's cuddle session going on right beside him like 30 seconds ago. in fact, he seems like hes the one that is getting the biggest kick out of it.

the whore had his phone out. taking a video. i make eye contact with him and sharpen my gaze, which only gets me a smile in reponse.

"if you don't put that damn phone down," i threaten lowly to johnny, which only makes his mischevious smile grow further.

"oh, make me," he chides back, lounging back into his seat as if totally unbothered and doubtful that i would actually do anything.

i glare at him in response before beginning to violently reach out to him in an attempt to wretch the phone out of his hands.

to my surprise, right before my hand reaches johnny's phone, i feel a gentle tug on my shirt sleeve.

i turn my head around to see hyein pouting, staring up at me.

"why'd you move? i was so comfy. come backkkk.." she whines, tugging me with as much strength her tired, drunk self could muster.

are you fucking serious.

i glance back shortly to johnny, where i see him beaming. oh, so this is what his plan was all along. i hate his guts.

i sigh before returning to my original position. hyein lets out a tiny noise of what i assume is glee before she snuggles back up to me again, throwing her legs over my thighs, and this time wrapping both her arms around my arm and putting the entire weight of her head on my shoulder.

it wasn't a bad position, i can't lie. and i definitely found myself enjoying it way more than i thought i would.

i dismissed the heat blooming on my face and weird feeling in my stomach as a reaction from one of the appetizers mark made. because there was no way, right? that it was actually like this.

so i just ignored it all and gathered my thoughts, trying to block out the feeling of the feminine body pressed into mine before jumping into the conversation johnny and hannah were currently having.

short chap cuz hc pov

also chat i think writing this actually cursed me bc i'm actually seriously legitimately a fortnite addict now 😭 yet to meet fullsun93729272739373983 or wtv the username was tho

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