Chapter 6 (The Present)

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A lot has happened recently... let me start from the beginning or where we left off for that matter... the war continued and evetually... everyone died. Everyone on both sides but me, god, and of course, Lilly.  We were all in God's throne room, having a..  talk. It was mostly them going back and forth on me living, i forgot angels had morals but Lilly debating me living so... that was a wake up call but i still hate there we were, i was just listening, demonic dagger in my pocket, blood all over me and my black hair, i kept looking at them back and forth with my gray eyes, looking bored and... emtionless... i remember what i felt that day exactly since it was yesterday. I felt hatred, emptiness, remorse, rage, and i built up a slight bit of bloodlust after i killed so many. After the rest of the demons died i had to kill the rest myself and i lived by that old saying that went "if you have to do something, enjoy it" or something like that. So they finally came to the agreement, to kill me, they both stared at me, snd i stared back. I stood up and so did both of them. I walk towards God himself, he had a sick grin on his face, i couldn't wait to do what i had been waiting for the entire time... i pull out my dagger and stabbed him in the heart and head, just to make sure. Lilly looked horrified as God fell and died, Lilly said "Shit" and we just stared at eachother for a soild minute before she burst out laughing, i looked so confused and asked her to explain and what she said next made me want to kill myself more then before, somehow, but i couldn't because appearntly God made the same promise as king that if someone killed him, they would become immortal. So now in the present, im a drifter. I went to the human world and im just traveling... I've visited many countries, many are very beautiful but i still feel... empty... i stopped caring about humanity, if
they're stupid enough to kill themselves, well... I'll let them.

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