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(Swear warning)
Hegarty Created a GC
Hegarty added ELK, ELC and 4 others.

Romulus: Hegarty, What the Heck?

Hegarty: Romulus, Hi :)

Romulus: Fool =/

Joker: Hello again, Romulus. Thought you could get rid of me?

Romulus: Hegarty, Remove him you fool.

Hegarty: Uh... He's working with ELK too.

ELC: What are you idiots up to now?

Romulus: Hello, Princess. The jokers being annoying and Hegarty is Being foolish.

Elc: I see I've missed nothing important then :[

Joker: Oh call it what you want, Romulus. But the princess is mine.

Elc: Ew. Stay the F#ck away from my sister.

Bane: Can't you just write the word Fuck?

Elc: I'll come to your house and make you regret saying that, Bane.

Bane: I'll shut up now -_-

Hegarty: Drama up in here =)

Joker: The only Drama up in here is your foolishness with is also the same size as Romulus' ego.

Romulus: Says you.

Elc: Istfg if you guys don't shut up.

Eld: The language on this Group chat is Appalling.

Elc: Oh like you're any better =/

Elc: Fuck, Shit, Dumbass, Dick.

Eld: That wasn't a challenge, "Princess"

Romulus: Don't mock the princess.

Eld: Try me.

Romulus: Hegarty, The stupid Idiot, Got himself locked in a room. Do you really think I'm scared of you?

Eld: Wow, He really is an idiot, isn't he?

Joker: Sounds Like Hegarty, If I'm honest.

Elc: Why was this chat even created?

Hegarty: I was bored.

Hegarty: Also Romulus, Can you hurry up? It's really cold in this room.

Romulus: That's what you get for being an idiot and locking yourself in there -_-

Elk: Silence, The lot of you.

Everyone goes silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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