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Kiefer sat quietly as he listened to his art professor teach the basics of animation. He had already made multiple animations, so he was only partially paying attention.

After about ten minutes, he heard Eric laughing at something one of his friends said. He tried to ignore it as best as he could until the class was over. Once it actually was over, Kiefer turned in an animation to complete the assignment before he stood up and walked out of his room. He went down the hall and to Eric's door.

Kiefer lightly knocked on the door as he slipped on the balaclava that he had on earlier.

When Eric heard the knock, he looked over to his door. "I will be right back." He declared to the goons before he stood and walked over to his door.

Once Eric opened his door, he was actually kind of surprised to see Kiefer. "Hey Kiefer. What's up? Need somethin'?"

"Nein. Just vondering vat you vere laughing about." Kiefer explained with a small shrug. It was basically his way of asking if he could join the conversation again.

Eric chuckled lightly and just nodded. "Alright, come on in germ." He stepped aside to let Kiefer walk in. 'Germ' was one of the nicknames that he had given Kiefer when he first moved in.

Kiefer nodded and stepped into the room. Once he got over to Eric's desk, he simply sat down in Eric's chair with a small smirk even if it wasn't visible because of his balaclava.

Eric rolled his eyes. He wasn't annoyed at all. He was actually proud of Kiefer for stepping out of his comfort zone. He then sat down in the spare chair beside Kiefer. "I'm back and so is Kiefer."

"Kiefer!" Soup exclaimed in a happy tone which was followed by a couple claps.

"He's back!" Blarg spoke as McNasty spoke as well. "He hath returned."

Ending Notes:
Hey! Sorry about the short chapter. I dooo (haha. get it? dooo. TheDooo. yeah, i'll shut up now.) hope to make more chapters soon. love yall! mwah! virtual hugs!

Oli out.

also, kiefer art coming soon/in at least two to three weeks or months


Oli out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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