8-Lunch Break

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Amber sat at her desk in her cozy office, the soft glow of the computer screen illuminating her focused expression. She typed intently, her fingers dancing across the keyboard with purpose. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was just past noon, and her stomach rumbled in response.

A gentle knock at the door pulled her attention away from her work. A smile spread across her face as she called out in a warm and inviting tone.

"Come in!"

The door swung open, revealing Tara standing in the doorway, a brown paper bag clutched tightly in her hand. Despite her slightly disheveled appearance, Tara managed to muster a small smile.

"Hey, you," Amber greeted her, her voice filled with genuine affection. 

"Thought you might be hungry."

Tara's eyes brightened as she stepped into the room, her gaze fixed on Amber. She crossed the space between them, perching on the edge of Amber's desk, and carefully placed the bag down.

Amber's face lit up with delight. "Aw, you brought me lunch? You're the best," she exclaimed, her appreciation evident in her voice.

Pushing back from her desk, Amber gave Tara her full attention. She studied her, concern etching her features.

"You okay?" Amber asked, her voice laced with genuine care. "How was your session?"

Tara exhaled, a mixture of weariness and vulnerability in her breath. "Heavy," she admitted, her voice tinged with emotional exhaustion. "We talked a lot about my parents and... well, you know how that is."

Amber's expression softened, her concern deepening. She reached out, her fingers gently caressing Tara's cheek. There was a tender understanding that passed between them, a shared recognition of the weight Tara carried.

"Oh, sweetheart," Amber murmured, her voice filled with compassion and empathy.

In that moment, a surge of emotions overwhelmed them both. Without thinking, Amber pulled Tara closer, their lips meeting in a slow and searching kiss. It was a heartfelt connection, a moment of solace and support amidst the challenges they faced.

Their lips parted, but the lingering desire remained. Tara leaned in once more, chasing Amber's lips for a brief moment before reluctantly pulling back, the reality of their surroundings grounding them.

"Much as I'd love for this to go further, you're at work and we shouldn't--" Tara says huskily against Amber's lips.

Amber cut her off immediately, "Fuck it, the door's locked. C'mere."

In that moment, Tara leans in, her lips hovering just millimeters away from Amber's. Their eyes lock, a silent agreement passing between them. The world around them fades into oblivion as their desires take precedence over reason.

Before Tara can protest further, Amber grasps her hips and pulls her bodily into her lap, crashing their lips together hungrily. Tara makes a muffled sound of surprise but quickly melts into the embrace, tangling her fingers into Amber's hair.

Amber breaks the liplock to trail hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column of Tara's throat, palming her ass shamelessly. "God, baby...you looked so sad when you came in. Let me make you feel good, hm?" Amber tells her. 

Amber's fingers undo the button on Tara's jeans, slowly unzipping them. Tara sucks in a breath as Amber slips her hand inside, caressing Tara's inner thigh.

Amber leans in, capturing Tara's trembling lips with hers. The kiss starts gently but quickly deepens as Tara melts into Amber's passion. Amber's fingers find their way into Tara's panties, teasing her intimate folds.


Tara lies flushed and sated on Amber's desk, limbs splayed gracelessly amid the scattered remnants of their lunches. Her heart pounds in her chest, a mix of contentment and vulnerability coursing through her veins.

Amber kneels between her legs, licking her lips and looking inordinately pleased with herself. The afterglow of their passionate encounter still lingers in the air, a tangible reminder of the depth of their connection.

"There...feel a little better?" Amber asks, a playful glint in her eyes.

Tara manages a breathless chuckle, her fingers trailing lightly over Amber's cheek. "You're insatiable. And amazing."

Amber grins, a mix of pride and genuine affection shining in her eyes. Tara pulls gently until Amber obliges and climbs onto the desk, settling atop Tara in a warm, snug tangle of limbs.

As they lie there, skin against skin, Tara's heart swells with a sense of gratitude and love. She takes a moment to catch her breath and gather her thoughts, her fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on Amber's back.

"Thank you," Tara says softly, her voice filled with a mixture of vulnerability and sincerity. "Not just for... well, that." She gestures vaguely at their state of undress, a faint blush tingeing her cheeks. "But for always knowing how to comfort me. How to bring me back to myself when I'm all twisted up inside."

Amber props herself up on one elbow, her eyes filled with tenderness as she brushes a strand of hair back from Tara's face. "Of course, baby. You've been through so much shit... You deserve to feel nothing but safe and cherished."

Tara's eyes shimmer with unshed tears, her heart bursting with gratitude for the love and understanding Amber brings into her life. She reaches up, cupping Amber's face in her hands, and pulls her down for a tender kiss.

Amber retreats just enough to meet Tara's gaze steadily, their eyes locked in a profound connection. "You're one of the strongest people I know. And I love you... so damn much."

Tara's voice comes out as a whisper, her words filled with the weight of her emotions. "I love you too."

With renewed determination and a deep sense of trust, Tara pulls Amber back down into a fervent embrace. Their bodies meld together, every touch and every kiss an affirmation of their love and the profound bond they share.

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