44- finale

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The airport terminal was a hive of activity, filled with travelers reuniting with loved ones. Amidst the chaos, Tara sat on a bench, holding Avana's hand tightly. Both of them scanned the crowd with nervous anticipation.

Finally, Amber emerged from the jetway, rolling a battered suitcase behind her. She looked travel-worn but still effortlessly gorgeous. Tara's breath caught in her throat as their eyes met across the terminal. Time seemed to slow as a range of emotions passed between them—hope, apprehension, longing.

Avana broke the spell, pulling her hand free from Tara's grasp and gasping, "Momma!" She took off at a sprint, barreling through the crowd towards Amber's open arms.

Amber scooped her up, exclaiming, "There's my best girl!" They embraced fiercely, the years of separation melting away in that moment. Amber looked up and met Tara's gaze over Avana's head, a bemused smile playing across her lips. She gently set Avana back down and said, "Why don't you give me and your mom a minute, huh? I'll be right there."

Avana nodded and obediently scampered back to Tara, surprising her by taking both their hands in her tiny ones. Beaming up at them, she said, "My mommies." With that, she released them and skipped off towards the luggage carousels to wait patiently.

Left alone, Tara and Amber stood frozen, the years and hurt stretching out in the oddly hushed space between them. Amber made the first move, closing the distance until there were mere inches separating them. "Hey you," she said softly, reaching out to trace the familiar lines of Tara's face with tenderness.

Tara's voice was thick with emotion as she replied, "I didn't think you'd actually come back this time."

"I promised our girl, didn't I?" Amber said. The real meaning of her words sank in, and Tara nodded slowly, holding Amber's gaze.

"Come home, Amber," Tara said, her voice a simple entreaty, laced with a lifetime's worth of forgiveness, pain, and resilient love. In response, Amber leaned in and kissed Tara with a passion that rekindled every smoldering ember between them.

When they finally parted, both were visibly shaken, gasping for air. Amber rested her forehead against Tara's, savoring the intimate moment. "God, I've missed you," she whispered. Then, with uncharacteristic uncertainty, she added, "This isn't going to be easy, you know?"

"Nothing worth fighting for ever is," Tara replied firmly. She gripped Amber's hand tightly, refusing to let go. A slow smile bloomed across Amber's face.

"In that case... let's go home," Amber said. With one last, blazing look, she pulled Tara into another embrace, cementing their reunited future. Around them, the airport terminal continued to flow with life, Avana's bright laughter ringing out amidst the din as she waited for her newly reformed family.

Together, they turned to face the future, hand in hand, ready to face whatever came next.

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