Chapter 19

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I gasp and my eyes open quickly. I groan at the pain in my head. Looking around I feel my heart beat quicken. I pull my arms and realize I'm chained to the stone wall. I pull on the metal shackles but nothing happens. The tips of my feet barley touching the ground.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Suddenly I hear heavy footsteps coming to the small room I'm in. A woman steps in dressed in black and what seemed to be war makeup on her eyes. Something about her presence spoke leader and I can't help but stare at her. Her power and authority grabbing my attention. The burly man next to her was probably no shorter than 6'2".

He stands tall and I can tell he could snap me in half like a tooth pick.

"You are Elena? Am I right, sky person?" The woman demands stepping closer to me. Her voice is even more assertive than her presence. I hold my head up and keep eye contact with her. Showing weakness is something that will get me killed fast.

"Who's asking?" I wonder how long I've been out when I hear the hoarseness of my own voice.

Her eyes turn into slits as she glares. These people have caused problems for us and speared Jasper. If she thinks I'm going to be friendly, she must be crazy.

"Answer me," she growls leaning closer. I stay silent and after a few seconds she steps back and nods to the man.

Before I can process what happening he comes forward and His fist collides with my stomach. The air is knocked out me and I gasp trying to get back. I still don't answer her and his fist collides with my cheek this time making my head whip to the right. I bite my lip to keep my cry of pain silent.

"Tell me about your people. What's your next plan of attack?" She growls again getting in my face.

"Screw you," I mutter my head hanging facing the floor. She laughs hollowly before the man takes out a small knife. I stare at him daring him to make a move.

But he doesn't.

"Tell me before you regret it," she threatens. His fist collides with my face and body a few more times before she calls him off.

"Your leaders Bellamy and Clarke. Those are their names, am I right?" She questions and I feel my pulse race. How does she know these things about the camp?

Unless, they've been watching us. I shake in the chains and she smirks. I open my mouth and she takes a step forward in anticipation for my answer.

"Fuck you," quickly the man steps forward and slashes my stomach with the knife. I can't stop the scream that escapes my lips. I close my eyes tight and face the ground. I see the blood seep into my shirt. The cut isn't deep, but long.

My cries of pain turn into laughter and I look up at her again.

"Keep going. You're not helping yourselves." I smirk lightly and she nods her head before turning and leaving the room. Then man follows her and I feel relief.

The sarcastic smile covering my face falls and I can't help but feel weak.

My stomach is burning and my body is throbbing, I feel the bruises forming already. I look up and she's there again, but this time with a torch. Another woman enters and by her clothes I'm guessing she's more of a warrior. She has a small knife in her hand and she puts the metal in the flame.

"In our tribe we burn for every kill we make. We've seen you kill. Yet you have no burns. I'd like to fix that, sky person." she steps back and the woman steps forward ripping the shoulder of my shirt. I try to pull away but I can't.

She presses the tip of the knife against my skin and I scream at the burning sensation.

"For the boy in the woods," her accent is thick as she put the tip of the knife in the fire again.


She means Atom. I scream again as she pushes the knife on my skin again.

"The young girl," I feel the tears fall from my eyes.


She presses the burning red metal against my skin harder than the times before.

"The people in our village." she growls and my screams turn silent my throat to horse to make sound. As she backs away I lose all strength and hang completely by my arms.

"What..village?" I ask my voice not sounding like my own.

"Those flares you sent. Burned down one our villages. Killing many," The leader growls.

What? No..

Before I can explain myself she stabs the still burning knife into my opposite shoulder. The pain is blinding and I want to break completely.

the leader suddenly walks forward again.

"You will be my message," I look at her confused before the world goes black again.

I feel light. Like I'm being carried. That when my eyes burst open and I see the bright blue sky.

I'm abruptly dropped on the ground and that when I notice the grounders surrounding me. I attempt to stand, but my knees give out and I fall to my hands.

"Your camp is not far from here. You'll find it with ease," the leader, who's name I have yet to hear, stands in front of me. She looks down at me and I know she feels this is where I belong. Below her.

"Tell your people we will fight. We will avenge the deaths you have caused." She tells me lowly before climbing into her horse and taking off with the others following her.

After they are gone I push my back against the closest tree and I inhale deeply. My entire body feels as if it had been trampled. My breathing is shaky and I feel the tears build in my eyes. Finding all the strength I have I use the tree to help me stand.

On shaky knees I stubble through the woods. By sunset I see the walls of camp and I sigh in relief. Barley able to stay on my feet I make my way to it.

"Hey, there's someone out there!" I hear a voice yell. "Bellamy!" The same voices even louder.

The doors open and I collapse onto my hands again. Staring at the ground I try to make my vision clear. I feel a hand in my back and I jump.

"Hey, it's me. It's okay," I look up to see Bellamy staring at me with worry filled eyes. in that second a sob rips through my chest and he pulls me to his chest.

"It's okay. You're okay," he mutters holding my broken body. But, he didn't know. He didn't know it's not okay.

I'm not okay.

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