Chapter 22

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"So, if you want to talk to anyone on The Ark, just put on the headphones and stand in front of the camera," Raven explains showing me our new gateway to The Ark. I wasn't gone more than 2 days and she made all of this.

"That's amazing. Damn, you're good," she smiles at me in pride before we both walk out.

"I talked to Jaha," Clarke says walking up next to us. "Theres an old depot site not far from here. Could have supplies to help us survive the winter." she finishes turning to me.

"Okay? Why are you looking at me?" I ask confused.

Raven walks away laughing quietly and shaking her head.

"Is there any way you and Bellamy could go? I would, but I want to keep an eye on Finn. And the camp," she says quickly. I take a deep breathe before nodding my head yes. She smiles brightly hugging me quickly before walking away.

I find Bellamy standing off to the side on watch.

"Hey, gotta ask you something.." he looks down at me after yelling at some kid to cover his shift.

We walk a few feet away before I talk again, "So, there's a depot somewhere near by and it could have supplies to help with winter. I'm going and it'd be a hell of a lot better if you'd come too." I say.

"When do we leave?" He smirks down at me.

"Now," I tell him holding up my packed bag and he laughs.

"I'll meet you in 5 by the gate."

I walk over to Jasper and Monty. They stand behind a table covered in nuts throwing them in the air trying to catch them. I laugh and take a few packets putting them in my bag.

"Yeah!" Jasper laughs after he makes a perfect catch.

I smile before taking two off the table, throwing both in the air and catching them both. They both look me seriously before yelling and cheering.

"Beat that!" I laugh with them. Bellamy stands next to me and starts taking handfuls of packets.

"Jeez, were not gonna be gone that long," I joke, but he only gives me a faint smile back.

"Let's go."


"Jaha's coming. Not that I want to see him because I'm not sure if I'll be able to hold back some punches, but he's coming. You're going to have to face him," I say suddenly. He takes my hand and helps me across a fallen tree. I smile in thanks.

I pop a handful of nuts into my mouth and offer some to Bellamy. He takes a handful and swallows them.

"I can try." he murmurs.

"Maybe you should just talk to him. He might understand," I grab his arm to stop him. "How did you even get a gun in the first place?" I ask confused.

He looks away slightly biting his lip, "Shumway. He gave it to me. Told me to shoot Jaha and he'd make sure I got on the drop ship." he finishes.

"That son of a bitch!" I yell and Bellamy looks shocked.

"He's the one who gave me the gun to kill the guard. Promised me I wouldn't get arrested. Yet he's the one who dragged me to my cell," I shake my head. "He locked me up to keep me quiet he knew I'd tell Jaha in a heartbeat. And I did. When he believe me it just made me look even more guilty." we start walking and I realize we are at the top of a small hill.

"It should be around here somewhere. We should start looking." I walk around until my boot hits something metal. A handle! I bend down and wrap my small hands around it. I pull with all my strength, but it doesn't budge.

"Hey I think I found it! But, I can't get it open." I groan pulling on the handle again.

"Watch out."  he puts his arm in front of me before using his axe to bust the door open. He pulls it open and we both step back.

"Uh, it smells. Like death," I groan again before following Bellamy down the stairs. Skeletons surround the floor and I gag.

"Start looking through these bins. Try to find something useful," he says lifting the lid to one. I pop another nut into my mouth and lift the lid. "Some blankets," I yell before going to another bin. "And more blankets.."

"They're all blankets!" He yells. Pushing one off the table.

"Hey calm down," I say walking to him.

"Useless!" He shoves a large blue container and a substance spills out, but when I hear the clanking of metal I walk over.

"Oh, my god," I reach down and pick up a big gun.

Guns! A shit load of guns!

"Holy shit,"

"This changes everything. No more running from spears," he rolls the gun around in his hands before looking up to me. "Ready to be a badass?"

"First, I've always been a bad ass. Second, we're lucky the rifles were packed in grease. The fact that they survived means we're not going to be some grounder's catch of the day."

"You need to learn how to do this." He says handing me the gun.

"I've shot a gun before if you don't remember!" I say handing it back.

"A gun like this?" He asks.

I groan taking it back. "So I just hold it on my shoulder?"

"Yeah, just a little higher now, that end. Yeah," his large hand finds my lower back. I look up at him instead of the target.

"Uh, that's good." he says.

He takes his own gun. "Watch and learn."

He lines up his sights and pulls the trigger, but all I hear are empty clicks.

"Still watching. Not exactly learning.." I smile tauntingly.

"My bullets are duds. Try yours,"

I pick the gun up again and aim like he showed me. I pull the trigger and only miss the spray painted 'X' by a few inches.

"That was amazing! Ha! that was great!" I laugh loudly. I feel bubbly and a little cloudy.

I stop quickly and turn towards him, "How are we gonna do this? The guns? We can not just hand them out."

"We can train and use them when necessary. You'll figure it out." He says looking down.

"I'll figure it out?" I ask confused, "You're the leader here buddy," And then I piece it all together. All the rations and weird vibes.

"You're leaving aren't you? Running away because Jahas coming down?" I ask backing away from him.

"They'll kill me!" he says shaking his head.

"You don't know that!" I say trying to convince him.

"I'm going to get some air," and by the time I look up he was gone.


I stumble back and lean against the wall. Everything was moving in slow motion and I try to call Bellamy for help but it's like my voice is non existent.

I climb up the stairs and I feel rain hitting my skin. I look up at the darkening sky and my hair soaks. I take a few steps when I stop dead in my tracks.

No. That's impossible.

She stands in front of me, her clothes still completely dry, even with the rain pouring down around us. Like nothing bad can touch her.

"Mom?" My voice is no higher than a whisper.

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