volume 3

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once yuu's demon had spotted shinoa, it began struggling again. mika barely managed to keep it contained while she restrained him.

"fuck, these chains..." the demon growled, glaring at the restraints before grinning at mika. "you're hurting him just as much as you're hurting me, you know."

mika didn't answer. he knew not to listen to that thing by now.

that didn't stop it from trying to get his attention, though. "did i tell you what yuu thinks of that new eye colour on you? hot as hell. his desire is particularly strong when it comes to you."

"did you figure out how to shut it up yet?" mika continued ignoring it, directing the question at shinoa.

she shook her head. "unless you want me to injure yuu in the process."

"be a dear and take that cape off. yuu will thank me if the first thing he sees when he wakes up is your fine ass." the demon kept going, obviously trying to get some sort of reaction.

mika didn't give him the satisfaction. "it took over two hours last time, right?"

"two hours and fifteen minutes, i believe." shinoa nodded. "when did it start this time?"

mika checked the stopwatch that shinoa had given him. he started to track it as soon as he noticed yuu wake up. "about three minutes ago."

"don't ignore me!" the demon lashed out, yanking against the chains only to be thrown back by the wards.

"okay, i'll stay with him this time. can you go prepare him something to eat and drink when he wakes up?" shinoa asked, glancing back at the irritated demon.

mika scoffed. "i'll stay. i still don't trust you with him."

"aww, even after all this time?" shinoa teased. mika had begun to notice that she did that quite often, no matter the circumstances.

he didn't acknowledge her change in mood, keeping his appearance stern. "you have a better chance at cooking than i do. vampires don't need to eat."

"you say that, but yuu told us all about how you would help your family cook meals before he escaped. my last attempt at cooking was also... a little flammable. kimizuki banned me from the kitchen." shinoa admitted, her light-heartedness unfaltering.

mika bit back a smile. he was glad to know that yuu had talked about their family with the others fondly. "kimizuki's not here. it's better i stay with the demon, anyway. we already know what it tries to use against me."

"fair enough. if i burn the building down, that's on you." she shrugged, virtually skipping out the door.

he looked at the demon, who was whispering curses under its breath while trying to struggle out of the chains. he knew it was useless for it to struggle, but he figured he'd let it tire itself out so yuu could come back sooner. after a few minutes, it finally gave up, breathing heavily.

"mika, let's run away together."

mika glared at the demon, hand resting on the hilt of his sword. "you've got to stop trying that."

"i mean it, mika. let me out, and we can escape them. humans, vampires... we can be together." yuu's face softened, but the horns are sharpened canines were dead giveaways that he was far from coming back.

mika took a step closer, showing he wasn't afraid of the demon. "yuu would never abandon his friends like that."

"he'd- i'd do anything for you, mika. anything you want." it chuckled quietly, like it had just thought of a hilarious joke. "absolutely anything."

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