oh shit

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[team cuntscope💋]
izzy: )3$£
izzy: Aur oh hwaul
izzy: meow
izzy: meow
izzy: meow
izzy meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
noah: WHAT.
izzy: hi
noah: FUCK YOU
eva: HEY
eva: what do you want
izzy: wanna go get a coffee
noah: ykw why not i feel like i gor hit by a car rn
eva: what how
noah: idk i cant fucking walk
eva: dawg im the carrying you again
noah: wdym
izzy: NTHUNG
noah: b me. ž yyyyyt
noah: yeah
izzy: the fuck was that

this past week has felt like shit to me. i can hardly walk, i feel like im being held down by fucking bricks and rocks when i try to get up, and i have been sleeping more. my fingers are slowly starting to turn a bit purple, and im getting really pale. i sigh before having to get up from my bed. ive been bedrotting these past days. i hate how SOME people say its a 'cool quirky trend.' i slowly walk to the bathroom and brush my hair, then my teeth, then change. it took me under 20 minutes, but it felt like hours. i just wear some baggy pants and a longed sleeved shirt with a short sleeved short over. even tho its like 80 degrees outside. i look in the mirror once again when i just finished getting ready.

god, i look disgusting.

whats wrong with my face?

am i dying?

whats wrong with my hair?

does my outfit look weird?

will i get weird looks?

i look high.

i look scrawny, and weird.

my eyebags make me look depressed.

my lips look dry.

i start to snap out of my thoughts and once again, i have to walk down stairs. its like walking in a glue trap. i grab my keys and slowly open the car door. i sit down and start the car, then i start fucking laughing out of no where, yell a bit, curse at myself, then realize im to fucking weak to drive. i slam my head on the wheel making a very loud honk.

[team cuntscope💋💋]
noah: HEY
noah: shaja
noah: siaiwga
izzy: HI
eva: what
noah: can you pick me up im to fucking lazy to drive
eva: no you cunt
eva: nevermind il pick you up
noah: hah

noah laughs a bit and puts his phone in his pocket, he sits down on the grass because he cant fucking stand.


evas car pulls up in noahs driveway with crazy iz in the back, because she cant be in the fromt. noah slowly walks to the front seat, because izzy is in the back. now, the cafe is only a few minutes away, i guess you can say 9 minutes. but halfway from the cafe, noah had already fallen asleep on the way.

how did noah already fall asleep on the way? its only been a few minutes! anyway, but noah had been getting worse. and he looks like shit right now, like he got hit by a car. i stole that line from him, but anyway, were here at the cafe!!!!!!!!! eva just slapped the shit out of noah to wake up. and now noah is whining.


YESS, ive been craving my frappuchino! "hello welcome to boobies cafe, what would you like to drink?" the nice waitress ask us, "I WOULD LIKE A DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHIP FRAP!" i yelled, in return people in the cafe stared at me. what? "okay mam, and what about you miss?" the nice waitress asks eva, "i want a black coffee. and make it fast." eva says, jeez eva! dont be mean to the waitress! "okaayyy.. what about, him...?" the waitress points at noah with her pen, because stupid noah feel asleep. AGAIN! "NOAH WAKE UPP!!" i yell, in return i get a stunned noah, and a bunch of people staring at me, some even shushing me. "uh.. what?" noah says in a confused tone. "what do you want to order?" me and eva say at the same time. "oh. a black coffee." noah puts his head back down, the waitres simply nods and writes it down. "will that be all for today?" the waitress says. "yup! wait you look so familar.." i say while grapping her arm. i swear she looks like someone from ridoncoulos race. "uhhh.. yeah?" she says, "yeahhh, were you in a season of total drama a few years ago perhaps?" i say, "yeah! i was in ridoncoulos race. im elody." "oh i just knew you looked familar! my friend noah here was in it too! which hes sleeping right now." i say as she looks over at noah. "yup, i can regognise him from his hair. i have to take more orders." she says as she walks away. "okaaaayy, byeee!" eva elbows sleeping noah, (sleeping beauty) "dude, what is wrong with you?" eva says. "everything. im tired." noah closes his eyes and continues to sleep. fuck you noah. "okay guyyss. i have your drinks, a double chocolate chip frap and two black coffees?" me and eva both nod and she places the tray of drinks down. "thanks." eva says, eva wakes noah up, and he gets his coffee from the tray. me and eva are talking about whats going on with life and you know all that shit, while noah is simply resting his head on his chin, taking small sips of his coffee and listening. "why arent you talking noah?" i ask noah, "i barely have motivation to talk." noah says. okay now, il honestly getting a bit concerend. i mean, i dont think he takes any medication, ive been to his house millions of times. wait, sierra. it is possibly sierra! the time when noah and sierra went out! sierra probably laced him. "izzy!" eva yells at me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "what?" i say, "you were staring at me." eva says. "ohh.. sorry."


finally were out of that cafe, i didnt even get to finish my coffee tho. as were walking in the drive way, i feel my vision get blurry. i start to get lightheaded, and i feel dizzy. i close my eyes and try to keep track of where im walking, i can feel my legs go limp, and i can barely walk. "hey, feeling alright?" eva elbows my shoulder, "yeah. im fii-.." i try to finish my sentence, but my vision goes black, and the only thing i remember is me falling on the hot concrete.

wuh oh keep in mind i wrote this on my ipad ao there might be speelinh mistakes

a totally dramatic td gc!!🙈 //discontinued//حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن