Green Bean or Broccoli

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"Stop squirming," Mitsuki ordered as she placed pins into an outfit she was working on through the clothes that (Y/n) was currently modeling for.

(Y/n) pouted but followed Mitsuki's orders to not squirm.

How did the (E/c)-eyed boy get in this position?

Well, his idea of leaving the Bakugo family residence the next morning of his arrival might have backfired because a specific boy wouldn't let him leave, so (Y/n) was kinda like a tenant to them, or so he says.

Mitsuki had decided to use the young boy for modeling and fitting sessions for the clothes she was working on which (Y/n) didn't seem to mind much, but he did squirm a lot because he didn't like staying in an awkward position for way too long.

"Mitsuki, the Midoriya's are supposed to be visiting today," Masaru spoke up from where he was on the couch writing on some sort of important documents he needed finished by the end of the day.

Mitsuki's eyes widened in remembrance. "Right! Inko and Izuku are coming over for dinner," she replied.

Bakugo scoffed in annoyance. "Deku and Aunty Inko are coming to dinner?" He grumbled.

Masaru nervously chuckled as he nodded his head. "They are," he confirmed.

"Who?" (Y/n) asks, confused about who Masaru and Mitsuki were talking about.

"A best friend of mine. She and her son usually come over for dinner at the end of the week," Mitsuki explains.

(Y/n) blinked but made a sound of understanding. "Oh," he murmured.

Masaru sent the (H/c)-haired boy with white streaks a reassuring smile. "You'll like them, I'm sure you would."

(Y/n) didn't know if he should trust the man's words but nodded his head slowly, deciding to trust him.

"Yeah, okay."


Hours passed, and both (Y/n) and Bakugo were currently sitting in the living room watching television while the parents were together in the kitchen finishing up dinner.

The Bakugo family and (Y/n) were waiting for the Midoriyas' to show up for the night seeing as they should be popping up any time soon.

The (E/c)-eyed boy was leaning against the back of the couch, doing his best to stay clear of Bakugo's personal space.

His eyes kept shifting between the television and the clock on a nearby wall.

Bakugo seemed annoyed but had yet to say anything about what was currently happening.

Small grumbles did seem to escape his lips, though.

"Hey Baku–" (Y/n) began but was cut off.

"Katsuki," Bakugo bluntly says.

(Y/n) looked over at the boy with a questioning look. "Huh?" He asks.

Bakugo huffed. "Call me Katsuki. Bakugo is way too formal," he replied.

(Y/n) stared at the boy he sat near for a few moments, wondering what the actual reason was.

He knew that if he was back in his old home, he would be receiving a huge scolding from his father. But the Bakugo family seemed less lenient than his relative.

Silence was the only thing that crickets between the two of them before (Y/n) decided to speak.

"Then can I um..." He trailed off as he shifted his eyes off to the side.

"Out with it," Bakugo grumbled.

(Y/n) tensed up for a second before looking at Bakugo while fumbling with his hands.

"Can I call you Katsu? It's alright if you don't want me to," (Y/n) asks.

Bakugo stared at the nervous boy in silence before releasing a heavy sigh from his lips. "Fine," he grumbled.

A shine appeared in (Y/n)'s eyes for a quick moment before disappearing.

Bakugo seemed to have taken notice of this but said nothing about it.

Before either one could say anything else, a knock at the front door captured their attention.

"I'll get it," (Y/n) murmured as he got off the couch and headed to the front door.

"You didn't have to, but thank you, (Y/n)," Mitsuki says from the kitchen.

(Y/n) responded with a quiet hum.

Grasping onto the doorknob, (Y/n) twisted it and pulled the door open.

A set of green eyes met eye contact with a set of (E/c) which seemed to cause the two kids that had them to freeze in place.

'A green bean? No... broccoli maybe?' (Y/n) thought, confused about what he was seeing in front of him.

'His eyes... They're so pretty!' The young green-eyed visitor thought in awe.

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