Starting Line

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The explosion that (Y/n) had heard came from the site that Midoriya was in.

Midoriya could be seen falling toward the ground after taking down a zero-pointer with a single punch.

"OHHHHHHHH?! I-I'm falling!! I'm falling!!" Midoriya yelled.

'Wait! Was that All Might's power?! Is that how I jumped so high? Wherever I land, I'm gonna splatter.' Midoriya thought.

His eyes shifted behind him.

"Splatter?" He repeated in confusion.

Tears gathered in Midoriya's eyes as excruciating pain throbbed around his arm.

"OWWWWWWWWW?!" He yelled out as he brought his injured arm to his chest and clutched it.

'You may be a proper vessel now, but... You were put together in a hurry. You've had no time to get used to your power... Prepare for some real kickback. This much though...?! Well, duh...! I'm an idiot!! It's only been ten months!! I can only barely contain it! Only barely... This borrowed power! I got carried away in that moment!! I've only...! Only been given a place at the starting line! That's all! Think!! What do I do? What do I do?!' Midoriya's mind race.

"URRRGHH!!" The green-haired teenager gritted his teeth as he tried to ignore the throbbing pain which he failed.

The first thing that came to mind was using Detroit Smash but he quickly shook that idea off.

'But my legs and right arms are shot! Gotta be the left arm!! If I can aim at the ground...! But timing is everything!! Too early or too late and I'm dead! Even if I pull it off. I've still got no points!! And with my left arm broken... I can't possibly pass!!' Midoriya watched as he kept getting closer and closer to the ground.

"WAAAAAGH!!" He screamed.

The brown-haired girl he had met earlier smacked him in the face which allowed him to float downward slowly.

"," she says as she places the pads of her fingers together.

Midoriya and the brunette landed hard on the ground.

The female covered her mouth with her hand as she felt bile rise up in her throat.

A loud scream escaped Midoriya's lips as the throbbing pain in his arm became worse.

Green eyes shifted in the direction of the brown-haired girl as Midoriya tried to change his attention away from his injury.

'I'm saved...!! Well...she saved me!! Is she okay?! Is she hurt...?!' Midoriya worriedly thought.

"Thank goodness...!" He panted out, trying to get his breathing situated.

The teenager used his good arm to push his upper body up, wanting to get back onto his feet with no prevailing of it happening.

"Urgh. Urghh. Just... One point...!!" He shouted.

"It's all... Over!!" Present Mic hollered.

Tears rolled down Midoriya's face when he realized that he wasn't able to get a single point.


Two males looked down at Midoriya, chattering among themselves.

"That guy. What was that...? He jumped right at that gimmick..."

"Must have a strength-enhancing quirk, but... That was something else."

"But with a quirk like that... How'd this kid get to be such a scaredy-cat?"

"Was it all an act to throw us off?"

"Can't see how it helped him though..."

"Either way, he's something special."

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