Exam Day

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"I made it in time..." Midoriya mumbled as he stared up at the building that belonged to the one and only U.A.

Other students who were taking the exam could be seen walking up to the same building.

'I ate that hair, but did it really do anything?' The green-haired teenager wondered.

"Move aside, Deku!!" A familiar voice shouted.

"Kacchan!! (N/n)!!" Midoriya exclaimed when he saw the two boys behind him.

"Get out of my way or you're dead," Bakugo ordered.

"M-Morning. Let's do our best..." Midoriya stuttered out just for Bakugo and (Y/n) to walk by him.

'I gotta stop flinching instinctively...' Midoriya thought.

Muttering coursed through the area when they saw Bakugo.

"Hey...? Isn't that Bakugo? From the "sludge" incident...?" A student asked.

"Sure is..." Another student answered, confirming the first student's suspicions.

Giggling and murmuring from girls were heard from the side as they noticed (Y/n).

"Isn't that (Y/n) from Musutafu Fashion Magazine?" A female student excitedly asked.

"It is. It's really him!" Another female student answered.

'Yeah! But it's not like before!! Just remember the past ten months! And move forward...!! My first step towards becoming a hero!!' Midoriya thought, pushing himself forward to continue walking just to trip.

'This is it!!' He thought, waiting to hit the ground just to realize that he was floating.

"Are you okay?" A female asked as she helped Midoriya get back onto his feet and smiled kindly at him. "It's my quirk. Sorry for stopping you, but... Well, it's a bad omen to trip and fall. This sure is nerve-racking."

"Ya... Uh... Um..." Midoriya nervously replied, not knowing what to say.

"Good luck to both of us," the girl says as she gave Midoriya a wave as she headed into U.A.

'I talked...to a girl!' Midoriya thought.

"Izuku, hurry up."

Midoriya jumped a little when he heard (Y/n)'s voice and saw that the other teenager was waiting for him.

Midoriya nodded his head and caught up with the boy so that they both could go inside the school together.


"Welcome to today's live performance!! Everybody say "hey"!!" A man with blonde hair hollered.

Nothing but silence was returned.

"Well, that's cool, my examinee listeners!! I'm here to present the guidelines of your practical!! Are you ready?! YEAHH!!" The man yelled.

Once again, nothing but silence.

"It's the voice hero, Present Mic. Wow...!! I listen to his radio show every week. It's inspiring. Guess all the U.A. teachers are pro heroes," Midoriya muttered.

"Shaddup," Bakugo grumbled.

(Y/n) seemed unbothered by the muttering since he had grown used to this.

His attention seemed to be elsewhere since he wasn't interested in hearing about what was about to be told.

"This is how the test will go, my listeners! You'll be experiencing ten-minute-long "mock cityscape maneuvers"!! Bring along whatever you want! After this presentation, you'll each head to your assigned testing location!!" Present Mic yelled.

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