Trick or treat!

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Ein's POV

Its Halloween and I have already figured out my costume! I am so excited! I asked Lucinda to make a potion to temporarily turn me into a deamos, Pierce is gonna wear his clothes from deamos and he said that he had a backup outfit for me too! 

E=Ein P=Pierce (I think you get it)

E mind ' ah I really am the luckiest man alive to have pierce as my friend, I wish I could show him how Grateful I am to have him.'

Just then the doorbell rang and I knew it was pierce 


I yelled from inside right before pierce came in

P"hey buddy I got your costume!"

E"thanks Pierce,! What would I do without you"

P" idunno.. But I couldn't live without you" Pierce said smirking at me 

E mind" is he flirting? Why would he do that?"

E"haha very funny I am sure you, A deamos could live without this little fuzzball"

P" I am not so sure about that puppy, you make me happy"  Cutely

E mind" What the hell is Pierce talking about?! Why is he flirting with me?! I mean I know I have a crush on him BUT THIS IS NOT HELPING" I felt my face start to get warm and before I knew it I was a light shade of red

Pierce's POV

I saw Ein's face turning red and chuckled 

P mind"aww he is so cute when he is flustered, I wonder how he is gonna look as a deamos?" I thought as I handed ein the clothes 

E" ok ima go use the potion and change BRB"

P"ok I will be waiting in the living room"

I was practically jumping up and down in excitement ein was gonna be a deamos! Maybe next year I could be a werewolf! 

Just then ein came out in his outfit he looked good then he splashed the potion...


P"looks good.."

I said feeling my cheeks start to burn and before I knew it I was a freaking tomato

E"uh Pierce? Is something wrong?"

P"NO No no nothing is wrong nothing at all! Lets head out now!"

I said as a revealed my horns and let my voice go down 

P"lets go"


P"oh that? Thats my normal voice I make it higher so I don't get made fun of by others I could put it back if you want."

E"NO NO! Its fine! It just surprised me"

P"thanks buddy"


We stopped at the first house and We got ALOT of candy we got comments like "aww you so adorable with your little demon horns" and "aren't you to old to be trick or treating?" We did not care tho in our eyes I meant less money spent on candy for the next 3 weeks

E"wanna go over to the other neighborhood right there I heard that there is a whole stop of houses giving away candy by the bowl full!"

P"OMI really?! Is that even a question lets go!"

-time skip brought to you by boredom-

P"holy shit its 1:30am and we just got back home! That was a haul my arms hurt from carrying the candy!"

E"lol yea mine too let me go get some milk to wear off this potion"

P"you go do that"

I was so busy staring at ein all night I forgot it was a potion to be honest I am sad to -

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"                             que classic ein scream

P"what the hell is wrong!" 

I said walking into the kitchen to see ein, still a deamos

E"I drank the milk and nothing happened but then I looked at the mirror and realized... MY EYES ARE GREEN.!!!"

P"woah woah buddy aren't those just contacts?"

E"no pierce you know I freak out when stuff is in my eyes"

P"ok so why are you screaming then?"

E"because I think Lucinda accidentally made me a forever potion!"





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