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With Tatiana and Morgan

Morgan has been driving me crazy. Every second he's watching my every move. Earlier I went to grab some snacks and he tried to pass me a salad. Now I loves me a good salad from time to time, but I'm a pregnant woman with cravings. I get so ready to chop his hands off as soon as he tries to steal my butterfinger. He'll learn eventually you can't mess with a pregnant woman and her snacking.

"You don't have to carry me downstairs Morgan I have two good ol' feet" Tatiana groaned as Morgan had be carrying her everywhere that she's barely touched her feet to the ground

"I know you do but you're my queen and you're carrying my princess or prince" Morgan spoke sitting her down on the couch as soon as he got there with her

"I know but you're gonna stress me out with you stressing out. Baby, I'm gonna be fine. The last doctor visit went well, it's a healthy baby. Don't worry yourself bald over me and this baby. I'd hate to see you the day my water breaks they're gonna need life time to film that one up." Tatiana got a chuckle at the end as Morgan rolled his eyes at his wife pretending to be upset

"You know I'll remember that when you want another foot rub from me" Morgan spoke walking off into the kitchen to grab himself a ice tea bottle for him and his wife

"Baby you know I'm just playing with you" Tatiana pouted and looked up at her husband sad face as she opened her arms "come cuddle me.."

Morgan didn't reply to her even though he knew he ended up cuddling her anyways. He couldn't deny her. She was his biggest kryptonite. He could never say no to her.

"Fine.." Morgan huffed playfully and pulled her gently into his arms passing her the jar of tea

"You are such a spoiled baby" Morgan chuckled rubbing her belly gently with one hand as his sipped his jar of tea in the other "but I wouldn't have it any other way"

Tatiana smiled brightly as she was so happy everything worked out for the couple lately and things have been so peaceful as she wished for her marriage and baby to be

Morgan was secretly trying to raise a little money to buy time from buyers hunting his dads shop down. Two big time real-estate brokers came over and was pressuring the smaller business to give up their land. They want some stupid condominiums so badly over there. Some of the smaller businesses just gave up their land.

Lucile gave hers up so fast. She was an elderly  seamster, she's been in bussiness since my mom and pop got married. She just couldn't afford the rent anymore as they kept raising it higher and higher to push us out. She settled on the money and moved to Florida. Folks say she living the high life down there, I wish her the best. It's how she needed to be living anyways.

I just can't bare to part with my dads business. The money is so good I could move me and Tatiana somewhere better. Take our animals with us, give the baby all it could ever dream of. My father plans just keeps ringing in the back of my head. I know my dad would always put family first, but this bussiness is also my family. It's a piece of who I am, am I ready to give it up? Even if the money will help us get our bills caught up.

It could even help me afford Tatiana prenatal vitamins. Those things are so darn expensive. She's trying to get them through her insurance so it'll help cover cost. Then there's formula and pampers. The baby will need clothes too. I just keep thinking do I take the money or do I keep my pride up longer. Man I wish my dad was here to help me with this choice and mama would've know just what to say to help me stay calm. It's so rough doing it on my own. I know I got Tati but I hate to stress her and the baby out. I've been sober and doing so well, I need my family more than ever.

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