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with Deanna and Nat a month later

Deanna pov;

Nat still won't talk to me. He won't even look me in the face. I didn't even sleep with him and Nat still was hurt. I guess the factor that I took up his offer hurts. It's the fact that I was willing to sleep with another man that hurt him. It didn't matter how uncomfortable I was or that I was put in an uncomfortable place. It was just the fact I said yes that pissed him off.

It was like part of me hoped Nat knew it wasn't easy and how hard it was for me to deny the guy of his wishes as he continued to press the offer. Something in me wishes I told nat everything. I was once again putting Nat's hopes and dreams over mines. I hated when I did that.

I had gotten up and made Nat breakfast trying to smooth things over with his favorites over easy eggs with toast buttered and a side of freshly squeezed orange juice and fruit on the side. He took a step downstairs and saw my food that was prepared all nicely. I added flowers and added a cut strawberry to his glass of orange juice. He grabbed his keys and walked out the door. Not even acknowledging my breakfast. I sobbed so much and so hard. I was crushed. What could I ever do to make it up?

I had went to the club and called off the ordeal. I gave him his space for a month. I haven't once tried to bring it up again or talk things over. I was letting things blow over, but would they ever blow over? I didn't really know. The fact he was so hurt he wouldn't even eat my cooking sucked. He loved my dishes I would make him. I thought by now he'd be open to eating my food again. I was so naive.

I spent the rest of my morning eating alone as usual and I put away his food for tomorrow. I cleaned up the kitchen and went to shower. After my shower was done I heard footsteps from Nat walking into our apartment. I decided maybe to surprise him in our room naked. So I dropped my towel and got on the bed. I went with his favorite pose and hoped it worked.

Nat walked upstairs to their bed room to see Deanna posed all sexy on their bed. He couldn't deny at first he was turned him on at the sight. God she was so hot. It just only really made him even more angry at the thought of how much that prick wanted her in the end. He started to picture the man's hands sliding up her petite body caressing her breast and her legs. Her legs slowly opening for him, him sliding between them and her letting out pretty moans for him. It all made him red. He knew he needed help if he would ever forgive Deanna.

Deanna saw Nat leave the room as if he needed to get a away quickly before he blew up at her. She frowned and quickly covered her body. She felt ashamed and embarrassed at the same time. Nat's never rejected her body before, so it really stung deep. He was hurting badly and she couldn't change that. They needed therapy, but that was one word Nat feared deeply. He felt like that would be the end point of them and he never wanted that for them.

With Tatianna a month later

I haven't really talk to Morgan unless it's the occasional check up from his sister. I really do miss him, but I need him to grow as a person. I do hope and pray that he's getting the help that he needs. His drinking had become a problem really right after his father died. It wasn't so noticeable at first, and maybe it was because I tried to pretend it wasn't an issue. Maybe it hadn't gotten that bad. Honestly, who am I kidding? It wasn't the best when it started and it didn't end very well either.

I hated to leave him like that because it made me feel selfish. It's just the baby's on the way. My very first one, and I didn't want to take a risk with the stress. I really do love him deeply, and I always will. It's hard not to when your high school sweethearts. There should be a study of on high school sweethearts. I've heard a lot of times they don't last very long, and I've always wanted me and Morgan to be the exception.

See Morgan was always so short tempered and mixing that with his addiction to drinking, he was very much toxic at times. Morgan was much of a functioning alcoholic. That meant that he could adapt to the real world, while still being drunk. I just couldn't put up with him anymore. He was a different person when he was under the influence. He became so reckless and irresponsible and that is not what I need in a father. Not what our son would need from his own dad. If you didn't know yet. Yes, I'm having a boy.

I wonder if he's missing me like I'm missing him. I worry if I'm going too long, will he move on? In the back of my mind, I know he won't. Something just keeps me worrying. Which isn't good for me or the baby, but I can't help it. I've been eating lots and lots of salads. I should note that they have a lot of dressing on them, but I make them work. I try and rest as much as I can and I found a little remote job to pass the time. I do the social media stuff behind a local vet clinic and I get a little internship hours from it while on maternity leave. They also pay me good, so I can feed my Chick-fil-A addiction. Those Chick-fil-A employees are probably tired of seeing me order ice cream with waffle fries. I can't help but miss when Morgan would run and grab me some. Getting it from my sister or mom wasn't the same.

I just miss him so much. Almost, so, I would totally run and pack my bags on the next flight to Tennessee. I just know he needs more time to clean up and sober up. So he can be right for our child. It'll never not feel selfish of me. Putting myself first was a huge deal, it was hard to do it. I was always under Morgan's shadow. Now that I'm excelling in school and working for my local vet shop. I've made big moves for myself it feels weird. I never would've gotten this far with me still being back there with Morgan. It would've just been picking up Morgan's pieces as I always do. Putting his needs first and for moment I was putting myself first. I put myself first and I wish I didn't feel so odd about it. I wish I was happy doing it. I deserved this.

"Tatiana, it's Morgan. I normally would tell him you're busy but I guess the way you've been mopping around this house you most likely need to talk to him. So here! Just don't get any ideas or let that man mess up your head anymore." Her sister threw the phone over to her.

Tatiana grabbed the house phone quickly and put it to her hear. "Hi.." she spoke softly, not knowing what to expect from him. "T-Tatiana, b-baby?" He stuttered out. Happy to hear her voice. Tatiana looked up at her sister with her arms crossed and her night leaving her sight.

Tatiana's sister was very against Morgan like her mom and dad were. So when Morgan fucked up big time, of course her sister pushed her for a divorce. Tatiana wouldn't listen to her and was sure her and Morgan could get through this in the end.

"How are you doing?" She asked nervously looking at her fingers. Mainly because she was nervous and also because her sister eyes were burning into her soul. It was making it harder for her to get through the call.

"I'm doing alright, I guess. It's been rough without you and the baby. The house is quite empty when my siblings aren't checking up on me. They come more and more often since they fear I'll start drinking again due to my loneliness. I do wish you'd come back." Morgan spoke nervously as he looked over at their wedding picture in his hands

Every time Morgan called he'd hold their picture hoping she'd answer him and talk to him. He was surprised when she finally came to the phone. "I can't come home yet Morgan, you need to be well. It's something you'll have to do on your own. When I know it's the right time I'll be back. I promise you that."

Morgan sighed knowing that she would say she's still not ready. He was hoping her mind changed. It didn't budge one bit. Maybe Tatiana's sister was around and she was scared to say what she meant or maybe she really wasn't ready to come back. I had to remind myself I really did fuck up and it was gonna take some time to put things back together.

Will Tatiana move back? Will Nat forgive Deanna? Will they get the help their relationships really need? Find out in the next episode 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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