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The next day, Meadow, Alisa and Kyoko sit under the tree. 

"Hello commoner." Meadow sighs as Kyoko and Alisa look at Kaoruko that stands in front of them. 

"Go away. You're ruin the atmosphere with your bratty attitude," said Meadow, annoyed. 

"How dare you?!" yelled Kaoruko, angry. 

Kyoko stands up. 

"Just go away. You're not wanted here," said Kyoko. 

"Be quiet. My deal is with that commoner," barked Kaoruko.

"The class is about to begin so you better head towards your class." They look at Juuna and Shioriko that stand nearby. 

Gritting her teeth, Kaoruko walks towards the building. Meadow stands up. 

"Then, let's head towards our class. We don't want to miss the lecturer," said Meadow. 

Juuna smiles a little.

As the bell rings for lunch time. Meadow walks up the stairs towards the roof, holding his lunch box. He opens the door and sees Kyoko and Alisa sit while holding their lunchbox. He  walks towards them and sits beside and Alisa. 

"What are the plan after school?" asked Kyoko. 

"I have a meeting with the corporate that I work after school since unlike those wealthy influence girls, I need to work for a living," said Meadow.

"Then I wait outside the building until you finish your meeting. I will show you where Shioriko works." They look at Juuna and Shioriko that stand at the door. 

"Wait, you work, Daiba-san?" asked Kyoko. 

"Yes. I work at the restaurant so I can learn about world dishes," said Shioriko. 

"I work at the library since I love reading especially literatures," said Juuna. 

"There are a few well influence daughters that also work for experiences," said Shioriko. 

"Just like we all know, Nijima-san is a professional idol. Shimizu-san works as a waiter. The only one that not work is Ichigaya and Nakagawa," said Juuna. 

"They sure like been given in silver patter instead of working and earning it," said Meadow. 

"I agree with Ichigaya but I am not sure about Nakagawa," said Juuna. 

"What do you mean?" asked Meadow. 

"Ichigaya is a spoiled brat that likes to brag about his family's power and look down on commoner. Nakagawa's personality is more in being responsible on the task and be the best student," said Shioriko.

Behind the door, Tamao listens to the conversation. She grits her teeth.

Later, Meadow walks along the hallway to his class. He walks pass the information board. He stops and looks at the board. 'There is a club admission week next week. Unfortunately, I am busy with my part time work to join any club' thinks Meadow. 

"Swirl-san." He looks at Tamao that stands there. "Meet me at the student council room now. There is something I want to discuss with you," said Tamao. 

The male student sighs and follows the student council president to the room.

Kyoko and Alisa walk to the classroom and see their best friend's empty seat. 

"Where is he?" asked Kyoko.

At student council office, Tamao and Meadow sit at the sofa. On the table, the government letter along with Meadow's profile. 

"I believe you get the profile of each of your life partner," said Tamao. 

"Yes, the profiles are at my computer table. Since I refuse the program, it doesn't concern me," said Meadow. 

Tamao takes a sip from her tea. 

"Then we can begin as friends so we can learn about each other," said Tamao. 

"I won't do anything related to that program," said Meadow. 

"Don't worry, this is personal. I want to learn more about you," said Tamao. 

Meadow just keeps quiet. Tamao pulls her hands out. Meadow looks at her. 

"What?" asked Meadow. 

"Your phone. I want your number," said Tamao. 

"Why?" asked Meadow. 

"Because as your life partner, I want to contact and talk to you. Both as a student and as your life partner," said Tamao. 

Meadow puts his smartphone down. Tamao picks the smartphone and key in her number and saved. She makes a miss call to her smartphone then returns the phone to him. Meadow takes his phone and heads towards the door.

"I suggest you look at the profile of your life partner. You may find something interesting," said Tamao. 

Meadow just walks out.

Meadow walks into the classroom and heads towards his seat. 'I need to read all the profiles about those girls' thinks Meadow. He sits on his seat. 

"Where were you?" He looks at Kyoko and Alisa. 

"Student council room. The president wants to talk to me," said Meadow. 

"About what?" asked Kyoko. 

"I'll tell you after school ends," said Meadow. 

Kyoko looks at the teacher that walks in.

After school ends, Meadow walks out from the building, stretching his body. 'Time to focus on my work. I really need the money for my sister's treatment' thinks Meadow. He then stops at the gate and looks at his smartphone. 'A message from Kyoko and Alisa. They have work today so we will talk about it later' thinks Meadow. At the main door, Juuna looks at him that head towards the station. 

That night, Meadow sits at the table, looking at his potential life partner's portfolio. He reads one by one; Tamao Nakagawa, Juuna Fukushima, Shioriko Daiba, Aya Nijima, Rinko Togetsu and Fumi Shimizu. 'They are all daughters of the powerful influence people. Why they pair up with common people like me?' thinks Meadow. His smartphone begins to ring as he looks at the ID. 'Video call from Kyoko and Alisa' thinks Meadow as he answer the call. 

"Hey Kyoko-chan, Alisa-chan," said Meadow. 

"How are you?" asked Alisa. 

"A bit tired with all the work," said Meadow. 

"What happen at student council room?" asked Alisa. 

"She wants to talk about the Harem program. It appears that she is also part of the program," said Meadow, looks at Tamao's profile. 

"One of your potential life partner?" asked Kyoko. 

"If I decide to join the program, which I know I won't," said Meadow. 

"Maybe there is some histories between your parents and theirs. It is just a speculation. The program pairing you with them, how you're only commoner that being a Beta Tester," said Kyoko. 

Meadow looks at the picture of his family. 

"What is the other news?" asked Alisa. 

Meadow sighs. 

"It is my sister. She survives the accidents but is in coma in ICU," said Meadow as Kyoko and Alisa gasp.

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