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Meadow sighs and rubs his forehead as Shioriko, Hina and Sayo check the new collar on their neck. 

"Why did need to be like this?" asked Meadow. 

"Well, Otousan mention about Oneechan needs to earn your forgiveness or he will disown her," said Hina. 

"Isn't that too much? If she doesn't want my forgiveness, I don't mind since I hate her too," said Meadow. 

"Otousan mention about being a heir in a large companies, she needs to be compassion, fair and strict in making decision. Since Oneechan's hatred towards common people, otousan wants her to be your slave so she can learn about common people," said Hina. 

Meadow sighs again. 

"This is definitely a bad idea," said Meadow. 

"Don't worry, master. I will help you educate her," said Shioriko. 

Meadow sighs again. 

Later, Shioriko, Sayo and Hina sit at the table. 

"Okay, Sayo-san. Master can be very cold but he do cares for his friends," said Shioriko. 

"Since he hates me and I hate him, I don't think he'll care about me at all," said Sayo. 

"I know. He talks about it with Mitake and Toyama," said Shioriko. 

"I see," said Sayo.

Meadow walks around the neighbourhood. Once in a while, he looks at the paper. 'I think the house Tamao is talking for is around here' thinks Meadow. He stops in front of a semi huge house. He looks at the paper that he is still holding and then to the house. 'Wow, the house is huge' thinks Meadow. He stares towards the house. 

"Surprise." He looks at Tamao that stands beside him. 

"Too surprise. That's the house we'll be living if I decide to accept the project?" asked Meadow. 

"Yes. My father get this house for us to live in," said Tamao. 

Meadow looks at the house. 

"I know it is not my place to say but it is time for you to jump into the new world. Explore the new world with your own power," said Tamao. 

"Jump into the new world?" asked Meadow. 

"Yes. Ever since your family's death, you always kept everything to yourself and only trust Alisa and Kyoko. I am glad you're open up with us but I can help you face your trauma and hatred towards power influence people. About Ichigaya, we will handle her," said Tamao. 

Meadow sighs. 

"I guess you're right. After all Konoe-san did mention about that," said Meadow. 

"What do you mean? What did Konoe-sempai say to you?" asked Tamao. 

"Long story, Tamao-chan. Long story," said Tamao.

Later, Meadow and Tamao walk towards Swirl residence. They see Fumi, Alisa, Kyoko, Ami, Shioriko, Juuna and Hina stand in front of the house. Meadow smiles.

At evening, Meadow and Kyoko put the trash at the trash compound. He wipes his sweats. 

"That was a lot of cleaning," said Meadow. 

"Yeah. Mostly from your room," said Kyoko. 

"Can't helped it since I am still growing," said Meadow. 

Kyoko looks at Meadow that takes a deep breath. 

"Let's head back to the house. I think Shioriko-chan and Alisa-chan already prepare dinner for us," said Kyoko. 

"Good idea. After all the work, I am hungry," said Meadow.

After dinner, Meadow doing his programming work inside his room while the girls sit at living room, talking and laughing. Tamao stands up. 

"Okay everyone, let's discuss about how to persuade him to accept the idea of living together," said Tamao.

"He still refuse to leave this home?" asked Juuna. 

"I can understand his reluctant. I mean he lost his family and survived on his own by working and almost died of hunger. That's why Alisa and I help him in his lunch and sometimes dinner," said Kyoko. 

"If we all live together, he won't have that problem and we can take care of him the way we can," said Tamao. 

"Then we have to convince him to agree to that idea," said Fumi. 

"How are we going to do that?" asked Shioriko. 

"Good question. We don't want to upset him," said Alisa. 

Inside his room, Meadow types the programming. He then sighs and leans on his chair. 'This is getting more complicated' thinks Meadow. He then looks at the window. 'Living together? That's a lot of thinking since changing from living in the family house to living with the girls. The pro of it I can explore the world I always want to do if my family is still alive. The contra of that decision is I need to leave my family house. The last thing I need is the house been left on dust or worse demolished' thinks Meadow. He sighs. 'I really need to discuss with someone' thinks Meadow.

A beep on his smartphone as he looks at the screen. 'Togetsu-san?' thinks Meadow as he looks at the text. 'She wants to meet me tomorrow morning at the lake. She wants to talk to me' thinks Meadow as he types the reply and send it. He looks back at the screen. 'Well, time to finish this' thinks Meadow as he continues typing the programming. Another beep from his smartphone as he looks at the screen. 'Something about me and Konoe-san? What does she mean by that?' thinks Meadow as he types the reply and send it. 

Early in the morning, Meadow walks along the street towards the lake. Once in a while, he yawns. He looks at the smartphone. 'She didn't mention which part of the lake she is waiting for me' thinks Meadow. He arrives at the entrance of the lake and looks around. 'Where is she?' thinks Meadow. 

"Swirl-san." He looks at Rinko that waves towards him. He walks towards her. 

"Sorry for keep you waiting," said Meadow. 

"Don't worry, I also just arrived," sad Rinko. 

The duo begin to walk beside the lake. Both of them walk in silence. Rinko looks at him. 

"I heard about your fight with Sayo Tsuruhime," said Rinko. 

"She is really the pain in a butt. After all she is the entitled bratty narcistic princess," said Meadow. 

"I can understand since what I've heard from Nakagawa-san that she always scold you and find faults that not even exist," said Rinko. 

"She just think that since she is the daughter of the head of police force, she can do anything she wants," said Meadow. 

"What are you going to do with her?" asked Rinko.

"If push comes to shove, she will feel my wrath," said Meadow.

The duo arrive at the bench as both of them sit down. Rinko looks at Meadow that looks at the sky. 'I wonder what goes through his mind in the time like this' thinks Rinko. 

Nearby, Sayo looks at the duo before walks away. 

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