Nanami&Gojo x Reader (S)

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Nanami & Gojo x Fem! Reader
Threesome, Domination, Overstimulation, Begging, Humiliation, Oral (fem receiving), Praise Kink, Blindfolding, Eye Contact, Crying?

The bar was loud, too loud if you were being honest. You had been invited out after work and since it was your supervisor's invitation, how could you say no? The last thing you wanted was to be in a bar of full of salarymen.

"I'll go get some more drinks" you said, smoothing down your skirt as you stood. Any excuse to get outside, for some fresh air.

You squeezed past the groups of people, making your way to the entrance. Stepping out into the night. You brought in a deep breath, the refreshing cold air cleansing you of the stuffy bar.

"Y/N?" Your head turned, eyes landing on a familiar face. Someone you didn't think you would see again.

"O-oh, Mr Nanami. How have you been?" he looked way different to when you had last seen him, but somehow the same? He looked good, it brought a slight blush to your cheeks.

"And who might this be?" An arm draped over your shoulders, body jumping at the sudden contact. Your head snapped to the side. A man stood there, his eyes blindfolded. You stepped away, eyes darting between the pair. An involuntary nervous giggle left your lips, hands gripping your skirt awkwardly.

"A-anyway, I better uh, get back inside" you stepped away, still facing them. Nanami looked at you, a small smile on his face. You had never seen him smile before when you worked together.

You returned to the table, drinks in hand. The night didn't seem to drag on for much longer. You found yourself excited to go home. Slowly everyone at the table started to leave.

As you stood, making your way towards to door, you saw them. Both leaning against the bar. Nanami's suit jacket had been discarded, his blue button up hugging his frame tightly. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his biceps. Nanami's eyes flicked over, meting yours. Your stomach flipped. He raised his hand, patting the sat beside him. You thought about it for a little but, decided why not? What's the worst that could happen?

He approached and you retreated, backwards stepping. His blindfold was still secured in place. You barely knew anything about him besides his name. But here you all were.

Your back hit something warm and firm, instantly you knew who it was. Nanami's arm snaked around your waist, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss that sent shivers down your spine.

You remember when Nanami had quit. He had quit to go teach at a private high school. You didn't know each other super well but enough to maintain conversation throughout the days. He was always quiet. This Nanami was different, he was more relaxed, he gave off a more aggressive and dominant energy.

You swallowed hard, stomach twirling with nervousness. You had only really done this sort of thing twice, and it was when you were drunk. You barely remember the experience but you do know it was your basic run of the mill sex. You recall not really enjoying it.

Your eyes were darting between Gojo and the floor. Your hands gripped onto Nanam's forearm, heart beating so fast you thought you were about to collapse. Gojo and Nanami were much taller than you, it felt like you were an ant when standing between them.

"Nervous? Don't be, Nanami and me are going to take real good care of you" You felt a tingle spread across your skin just from those words. Gojo leaned in, a grin across his face as he placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Do you remember the safe word?" Nanami asked, and you nodded. Grass, if you wanted to stop, all you had to say was grass.

Nanami's grip on your waist loosened as he pushed you towards Gojo. Before you could think, you were on your back on the bed, Gojo above you, sitting between your legs. Your eyes found Nanami in the same position he was just in across the room, a small smirk tugging at his lips. How...?

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