Gojo x Reader x Geto (S)

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Gojox Fem! Reader x Geto
Threesome, Voyourism, Orgasm Denial, Begging, Crying, Praise, Slight Humiliation
Inspired by the Sukuna x Male! Reader x Uruame fic by ch0Rles

The second the apartment door closed he was on you, lips pressed roughly against yours. It had you flustered, cheeks immediately turning red. His hands trailed from your hips to your ass, lifting you effortlessly and pressing your back against the door.

He kisses down your neck, biting the soft and sensitive skin. You let out a whimper, hands gripping his shoulders tightly. It only seemed to egg him on, his bites becoming more harsh.

"Ow, that hurts" you whined out, a pout pulling at your lips. He smiled against your skin, returning to soft kisses. Your stomach turned with arousal and nervousness as he turned, making his way to the bedroom.

You buried your face in his neck, taking a deep breath, jumping a little as he kicked the door open. Before you could even blink you were dropped onto the bed, climbing over the top of you. His knee rested between your legs, touching your core ever so slightly. The featherlight friction had goosebumps rasing in your skin, a once soft tingly heat becoming more pronounced.

In an instant he pulled his shirt off, your hands reaching to touch his hard and toned stomach. Jesus this man was hot. As quickly as his shirt came off, his hands were sliding underneath your own, pulling it off your body, followed by your bra. Immediately you felt self conscious, your body a lot softer than his toned and tight one.

Before you could dwell on it too much his hands gripped yours, pinning them above your head. He leaned his head down, his lips connecting with your chest. Softly sucking and nibbling, leaving scarlet marks that would surely bruise later. You let out shaky gasps and little noises as he played with your chest. Your eyes had been tightly closed, so overwhelmed by the teasing. God you wanted to see him, see him tease you. Peeling your eyes open, you felt your whole body tense.

"J-Jesus" you blurted out, jump scared by the man sitting on the bed across from the one we were on. Satouru sat up, turning his head to face the man who was focused on his phone.

"Nah, that's just Suguru. Speaking of, do you mind?" He questioned. The name was familiar, his roommate you thought to yourself.

"Not really" he responded, a bored tone lacing his voice. Satouru groaned in annoyance, still holding you down. You bit your bottom lip, face beet red, embarrassed by the position you found yourself in.

"Can you like, go somewhere else?" He questioned, a slight frown gracing his features. You just lay there, glancing between the two.

"Nah I'm good. Just pretend I'm not here" The dark haired man didn't even look up, seeming to be entirely focused on whatever he was looking at on his phone.

"Fine" Satouru sighed, turning to grin down at you. "Just pretend he's not here, Kay?"

You stammered, unable to find the words. Instead you nodded. He seemed far too focused on his phone to care much anyway. You couldn't help feel a lot more nervous that before. You didn't even know the guy, he had only been mentioned in passing.

Before you knew it your pants were being tugged off and discarded onto the ground. His hands gripped the back of your knees, pulling them over wide so he could settle between, leaning down to kiss you. One hand on you his while the other rested lightly on your neck. He wasn't applying any pressure but it was a good way of letting you know who was in control.

He moved his hips, rubbing himself against you, a high pitch and broken whine escaped your lips, muffled by his own. He repeated the movement, your body on fire from the tiniest bit of friction. God you wanted him to touch you, to give your aching cunt more attention.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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